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Men’s Club Meeting moved to 9/15

09/06/2019 05:02:15 PM


Attention Men’s Club,

Our regularly scheduled meeting for this Sunday 9/8 has been moved to Sunday 9/15. We will still be meeting on 9/15 at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.) at 9:15am.  This change was made in order to accommodate the parent/children assembly that is being held on the first day of Hebrew School.

Please mark you calendars and plan to join us on Sunday 9/15.

Thank you,

David Isenberg, TBE Men’s Club President


Men's Club - Casino Night / Updates

08/29/2019 08:44:43 AM



Good Morning Men's Club Members & Prospective Members,


I hope this reaches you well.  The Men's Club is off to a fast start after the summer hiatus with a number of things planned to kick-off September and the coming months for our club.  Please read below for all of our updates and plan to join us as you are able.  Thank you.


3rd Annual - TBE Casino Night  

(Men's Club is the Title Sponsor) - Saturday November 2, 2019 - 7:02pm- 11:02pm - Individual Tickets and Ticket Packages will be on sale starting tomorrow via the link below. Please buy your tickets early and support the Men's Club for this fundraiser.

Tickets on Sale Starting Friday (8/30): Buy Your Casino Night Tickets


Men's Club Meeting - September Date Change

The Men's Club's next meeting will be held on September 15th at 9:15am (Brown Religious School) instead of September 8th.  Please note the change and Mark Your Calendars.


Men's Club
Rosh Hashanah Honey Fundraiser


The Men's Club uses proceeds from fundraising events like this to help support our efforts at the Brown Religious School and Temple throughout the year. Please consider buying a jar or two for family/friends, if you haven't done so already.

Send a jar to your loved ones! $12.50 per jar (plus shipping)

September 4 - Last day to order with delivery guaranteed by Rosh Hashanah
Order Now: Click here to order.



Men's Club (Social/Jewish Networking Event) - @ Tang & Biscuit (in Scotts Addition) - Thursday September 26, 2019 - 7:00pm.  Come join us for a fun night out with the guys and try out your shuffle board skills while enjoying a cold beverage and some good food.  Sign-up here and reserve your spot:  Tang and Biscuit RSVP


Men's Club Meeting Sunday October 6, 2019 - 9:15am- Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.)


Sukkah Building Sunday October 13, 2019 - Starting at 8:30am - Temple Beth-El (3330 Grove Avenue) - (Sukkah Take Down - Sunday October 27, 2019).  Come join us to setup the TBE Sukkah for the congregation.


Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!


The Beth-El Men's Club 2019-2020 Executive Committee:


David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary

Men's Club - News & Event Updates

08/01/2019 08:14:43 PM


Good Evening Men's Club,


I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and preparing for a fun filled year of upcoming Men's Club Events. The Men's Club will ramp back up our activities starting in September. Please take a moment to read what we have in store for the fall months and how you can join in on the fun.


Men's Club
Rosh Hashanah Honey Fundraiser


The Men's Club uses proceeds from fundraising events like this to help support our efforts at the Brown Religious School and Temple throughout the year. Please consider buying a jar or two for family/friends, if you haven't done so already.

Send a jar to your loved ones! $12.50 per jar (includes shipping and personalized card)

Order by August 5th to avoid a $5 shipping fee. Click here to order.


We Are Only 6 jars away from our goal. Thank you for your support!!!




Save the Date!!! Men's Club Upcoming Events in September, October and November...


Men's Club Meeting - Sunday September 8, 2019 - 9:15am-Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.)


Men's Club (Social/Jewish Networking Event) - @ Tang & Biscuit (in Scotts Addition) - Thursday September 26, 2019 - 7:00pm


Men's Club Meeting - Sunday October 6, 2019 - 9:15am- Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.)


Sukkah Building - Sunday October 13, 2019 - Starting at 8:30am - Temple Beth-El (3330 Grove Avenue) - (Sukkah Take Down - Sunday October 27, 2019)


TBE Casino Night - (Men's Club is the Title Sponsor) - Saturday November 2, 2019 - 7:02pm- 11:02pm - Individual Tickets and Ticket Packages will be on sale soon. Please look out for more information in the coming weeks.



Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!


The Beth-El Men's Club 2019-2020 Executive Committee:


David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary


Men's Club - News / Event Updates

06/17/2019 04:03:15 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

Below you will find some of our upcoming events along with some Men's Club news:


Men's Club 2nd Annual Golf Outing - June 23rd - Sycamore Creek / SPOTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR THIS EVENT - Sign-up Today!!

Date: Sunday June 23rd

Location: 1991 Manakin Road (just off W Broad St)
Manakin-Sabot VA. 23103

Tee Times: Start at 10:00 am (Please arrive by 9:15 am to warm up and get your golf cart)

Cost: $53.00 (Includes Green Fees and Cart) (Note: A service fee of 5% + $0.50 will be added to this item at checkout.)

Register and Pay for your spot at: Men's Club Golf Sign-up



Men's Club Honey Fundraiser - Coming Soon!!!

The Men's Club will be running a new Honey Fundraising event for congregation this year. This distinctive 8-ounce jar of kosher honey will arrive in time for Rosh Hashanah, decorated with a festive label, and includes a personalized card reading "Shana Tova - Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year". The cost will be $12.50 per jar which includes shipping and handling within the United States (We will gladly mail orders outside the US for an additional Fee*). Order Online by August 5th to avoid a $5.00 shipping fee.

Please look out for an email soon that will announce when the website is live to start placing your order(s). 



TBE - Casino Night Committee - Sign-up Today!!!

The 3rd Annual Temple Beth-El Casino Night is happening on Saturday November 2, 2019 from 7:01pm-11:00pm at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road). As we gear up for what plans to be another great event, we are looking for anyone in the congregation that is interested in participating with the Casino Night Committee. This year the Men's Club is the title sponsor of the event and we need your support to help us make this a successful event. The Committees first meeting for this event will be held this Thursday June 20th at 7:00pm at the Brown Religious School. We are looking for people to assist with Food Prep, Decorations, Admissions, Publicity, Setup, Cleanup, Silent Auction and more. If you are interested or know some one who is, please email David Isenberg, Casino Night Committee Chairperson at or call (804) 387-1371. Thank you for your support!!!


Men's Club Baseball Outing - July 7th

Come join the Men's Club as we enjoy an evening out at the ballpark. This event is open to all, so plan to bring your family and friends along.

Date: Sunday July 7, 2019

Location: The Diamond - Squirrels Stadium

Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Ticket Price: $8.00 each

Reserve your spot by clicking the link below:

Or Call Don Light at (804) 337-0563

Checks can also be mailed to Don Light at 10844 Millington Lane, Richmond, VA 23238

For Questions: Please reach out to Don Light, Co-Sports Chair at


Men's Club Softball Team
Come cheer on your Men's Club Softball Team this Tuesday evening (June 18th) at the Glen Allen Sports Complex as the team takes on one of our old rivals Christ Church.
Location:  Glen Allen Sport Complex:  2175 Mountain Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23060
Time: 6:30 pm
Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee:

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary

Men's Club - News and Events

06/04/2019 04:47:52 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

Here are a few news and notes of upcoming events:


Men's Club 2nd Annual Golf Outing - June 23rd - Sycamore Creek


Date:  Sunday June 23rd

Location1991 Manakin Road (just off W Broad St)
Manakin-Sabot VA. 23103

Tee Times: Start at 10:00 am (Please arrive by 9:15 am to warm up and get your golf cart)

Cost:  $53.00 (Includes Green Fees and Cart) (Note: A service fee of 5% + $0.50 will be added to this item at checkout.)

Register and Pay for your spot at:  Men's Club Golf Sign-up



Men's Club Honey Fundraiser - Coming Soon!!!

The Men's Club will be running a new Honey Fundraising event for congregation this year.  This distinctive 8-ounce jar of kosher honey will arrive in time for Rosh Hashanah, decorated with a festive label, and includes a personalized card reading "Shana Tova - Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year".  The cost will be $12.50 per jar which includes shipping and handling within the United States (We will gladly mail orders outside the US for an additional Fee*).  Order Online by July 31st to avoid a $5.00 shipping fee.

Please look out for an email soon that will announce when the website is live to start placing your order(s).



TBE - Casino Night Committee - Sign-up Today!!!

The 3rd Annual Temple Beth-El Casino Night is happening on Saturday November 2, 2019 from 6:30pm-10:30pm at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road).  As we gear up for what plans to be another great event, we are looking for anyone in the congregation that is interested in participating with the Casino Night Committee.  This year the Men's Club is the title sponsor of the event and we need your support to help us make this a successful event.  The Committees first meeting for this event will be on Thursday June 20th at 7:00pm at the Brown Religious School.  We are looking for people to assist with Food Prep, Decorations, Admissions, Publicity, Setup, Cleanup, Silent Auction and more.  If you are interested or know some one who is, please email David Isenberg, Casino Night Committee Chairperson at or call (804) 387-1371.  Thank you for your support!!!


Men's Club Baseball Outing - July 7th

Come join the Men's Club as we enjoy an evening out at the ballpark.  This event is open to all, so plan to bring your family and friends along.

Date: Sunday July 7, 2019

Location:  The Diamond - Squirrels Stadium

Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Ticket Price:  $8.00 each

Register & Pay at:

Questions:  Please reach out to Don Light, Co-Sports Chair at


Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee:

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer 

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary 

Men’s Club - June Meeting Canceled / Upcoming Casino Night Committee

05/31/2019 01:57:47 PM


Attention Men’s Club,

Our June 2nd Meeting is Canceled.  

We are however looking at planning a couple of Men’s Club Casino Night meetings this summer, in preparation for the big event on Saturday November 2, 2019.  If you are interested in participating with the Casino Night Committee, please respond directly to this email.  The Casino Night Committee is open to both men and women, so please spread the word. We are looking to host our fist meeting in the next two to three weeks. Please look out for an email next week on a date, time and location of this meeting. 

Thank you,

Men’s Club Executive Committee

Men's Club - End of the Year Religious School Picnic - May 19th - Volunteers Needed!!

05/16/2019 04:49:46 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,


Just a friendly reminder that the Religious School End of the Year Picnic is this Sunday May 19th.

We are still in need of volunteers for this Men's Club Sponsored Event.  If you have already signed up to help, thank you!!! If you have not signed up yet, please click on the sign-up genius link below for a volunteer job/time and lend your support..

We need everyone's help to make this event successful.  (Please forward this to anyone you feel would like to participate) Thank you!

Date:  Sunday, May 19th

Location: Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road)

Picnic Time:  Picnic Starts at 12:00pm and ends at 2:30pm  (Volunteer jobs start at 9:30am)


Sign-up for volunteer jobs at:

Men's Club Volunteer Picnic Sign-up

The following volunteer jobs still have open spots:

  • Setup (9:30am-10:30am)
  • Cooking Prep / Cooking (9:30am-11:45am)
  • Serving Food (11:45am-1:30pm)
  • Running Snow Cone Machine (12:00pm-2:15pm)
  • Clean-up (2:30pm-3:15pm)


Thank you,

Men's Club Executive Committee

Men's Club - End of the Year Religious School Picnic - May 19th

05/10/2019 04:09:16 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches you well.  I wanted to make everyone aware of our upcoming Religious School End of the Year Picnic next week.  

Please join us on Sunday May 19th as we host the Annual Beth-El Religious School End of Year Picnic.  This has always been a great event for our Men's Club to sponsor. It has grown quite a bit in the last couple of years as we have continued to add to this event for our children.  This year is no exception as we will have bounce houses, snow cone machine, face painting and balloon art for the kids to enjoy.  We will also be grilling this year out at the school.

We need everyone's help to make this event successful.  Please sign-up for a volunteer job and time and lend your support.  (Please forward this to anyone you feel would like to participate) Thank you!

Date:  Sunday, May 19th

Location: Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road)

Picnic Time:  Picnic Starts at 12:00pm and ends at 2:30pm  (Volunteer jobs start at 9:30am)


Sign-up for volunteer jobs at:

Men's Club Volunteer Picnic Sign-up


Thank you,

Men's Club Executive Committee

Men's Club Meeting this Sunday - April 28th

04/26/2019 08:10:43 AM


Good Morning Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

Just a friendly reminder that our May Meeting was move up to this Sunday April 28th in order to accommodate for the annual meeting (5/5), Mother's Day (5/12) and the MC End of Year Picnic (5/19).  Please plan on joining us this Sunday at the religious school in the multi-purpose room.  Thank you! 


Men's Club Meeting - Sunday April 28th - 9:15 am

Please plan on joining us at our next club meeting this Sunday April 28th starting at 9:15am (601 N. Parham Road - Brown Religious School).  Our meetings are open to members and prospective members alike, so please plan to come out to see what the Men's Club is planning next for our membership and while your here enjoy some brotherhood, a good bagel, coffee and nosh!

Agenda topics will include:

MC End of Year Picnic, Softball, 2nd Annual MC Golf Outing, TBE Casino Night 2019 and more.

Please sign-up at the following link and let us know your coming so we know how much Bagels and nosh to purchase, Thank you: 

Date: 04/28/2019 (Sun.)


Time: 9:15am - 10:30am EDT


Location: Brown Religious School

601 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229 


Sign-Up Link:  Men's Club Meeting Sign-Up


Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee:

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer 

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary 

Men's Club - Meeting this Sunday and Event Updates

04/12/2019 06:32:18 PM



Good Evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,


Just a few quick reminders and Men's Club updates: First, please remember to join us this coming Sunday for our April Men's Club Meeting (More Details Below). Also, I wanted to thank all of our members and many prospective members who came out to our 2nd Annual Bourbon Tasting this week. It was a great time had by all, along with an education and a wonderful tasting of 4 different kinds of Bourbon (Pictures below). The 30th Season of Men's Club Softball has started. Please see more information below, if you are interested in playing or just want to come out to cheer on the team. Thank you.


Pictures - 2nd Annual Men's Club Bourbon Tasting



Men's Club - April Meeting - Sunday April 14th

Please plan on joining us at our next club meeting this Sunday April 14th starting at 9:15am (601 N. ParhamRoad - Brown Religious School). Our meetings are open to members and prospective members alike, so please plan to come out to see what the Men's Club is planning next for our membership and while your here enjoy some brotherhood, a good bagel, coffee and nosh!

Agenda topics will include:

MC End of Year Picnic, Softball, 2nd Annual MC Golf Outing, TBE Casino Night 2019 and more.

Please sign-up at the following link and let us know your coming so we know how much Bagels and nosh to purchase,

Thank you: Men's Club Meeting Sign-up



Men's Club - Softball - 30th Season

Come join the Men's Club Softball team as we take the field for our 30th season in the Western Henrico Church League. Our Team is led and Coached by Dr. Michael Edelstein. The league season starts in April and goes through the early part of the summer months. We will be playing our games on Tuesday nights again this year. If interested in playing, please contact Michael at:

(Requirement to play is to be an Active Men's Club Dues Paying Member - If you haven't paid Dues, please bring a check to the game payable to the Temple Beth-El Men's Club for $38.00)


Our First Official Games are this Tuesday (4/16) Night starting at 6:30pm at the Laurel Park Field (10301 Hungary Spring Rd Richmond, VA 23228).

Come on out to cheer on your Men's Club Team!!!


Softball Schedule can be found at this link: Temple Beth- El - Men's Club Softball Schedule




Next Men's Club Event: Men's Club End of Year Picnic - Sunday May 19th - 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Please mark your calendars for this Annual Event hosted by the Men's Club. The Annual MC Picnic is open to the TBE community and gives back to our Hebrew School Students and families by celebrating the last day of school and the start of summer. Volunteers will be needed in various roles to help with this great event. Please look out for future emails for sign-up. Thank you.


Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!


The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee:


David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary


If you have questions or comments, please respond directly to this email. Thank you!!!


Men's Club - Event Updates - Sign-up Deadlines Extended

04/05/2019 07:28:44 PM



Good Evening Men's Club,

I hope this reaches you all well. Please read below about some of our upcoming events in the coming week...Bourbon Tasting, Softball, MC Meeting.  We hope to see as many of you at these Men's Club events.  Please note that deadlines to sign-up for some of these events have been extended.  Thank you.


Men's Club Bourbon Tasting - Tuesday April 9th - 8:00 pm
Please join the Men's Club as we host our 2nd annual Whisky/Bourbon Tasting on Tuesday April 9th. We will be provided a private room, tasting, and a Whisky/Bourbon education from Mac McCormick. The cost of this event will cover 3 Tastings. (Other food/drink items can be paid for individually the evening of the event).
Location: McCormack's Big Whisky Grill (Regency Square)
1420 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229
Date: Tuesday April 9th
Time: 8:00 pm
Cost: $40.00 per person (Plus a service fee of 5% + $0.50 will be added to your purchase at checkout)
Sign-up, Pay and Reserve your spot at:
Men's Club Softball
Come join the Men's Club Softball team as we take the field for our 30th season in the Western Henrico Church League. Our Team is led and Coached by Dr. Michael Edelstein. The league year starts in early April going through the early part of the summer months. We will be playing our games on Tuesday nights again this year. If interested in playing, please contact Michael at:
(Requirement to play is to be an Active Men's Club Dues Paying Member)

Michael is planning practice on the following day this weekend:

 Sunday morning, April 7 at 10 am.

practices will last about 2 hours and will be at Short Pump Field next to Short Pump Elementary on Pump Road just south of Broad Street (our home field). If the weather is questionable (rainy or temperature below 45 or so) Michael will send out an email to let everyone know whether the practice is on.

Please respond to Michael by email to let him know your availability for the practices. Thank you.

Also the first game will be on Tuesday April 9th at 6:30pm also at the Short Pump Field.  Hope to see you there!!


Flying Squirrels Baseball Game - Free Tickets

Please come support the Flying Squirrels on Squirrels Chamber Day at NOON on Wednesday May 8th. Our Men's Club Member John Jay Schwartz has access to free tickets so put your reservations in now and he will leave them at the Temple office for you when he receives them from the Flying Squirrels. We will send out a seperate communication to those that sign-up to let you know when your tickets will be available for pick-up. THANK YOU, JOHN JAY!!!
Please sign-up for tickets at:
The Deadline to sign-up for tickets is Friday April 5th. Please list the number of tickets needed (With in reason) when signing up. Thank you.
Next Men's Club Meeting:
  • Sunday April 14th - 9:15 am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road)
Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee:

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary

Men's Club - Bourbon Tasting - Tuesday April 9th

04/01/2019 07:09:46 PM


Good Evening Men's Club,

Just a friendly reminder that our Bourbon Tasting event is soon approaching.  Please sign-up and pay by clicking the link below to reserve your spot.  Our deadline to sign-up is this Friday April 5th.  Thank you!


Men's Club Bourbon Tasting - Tuesday April 9th - 8:00 pm
Please join the Men's Club as we host our 2nd annual Whisky/Bourbon Tasting on Tuesday April 9th.  We will be provided a private room, tasting, and a Whisky/Bourbon education from Mac McCormick.  The cost of this event will cover 3 Tastings.  (Other food/drink items can be paid for individually the evening of the event).
Location: McCormack's Big Whisky Grill (Regency Square)
               1420 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229
Date:      Tuesday April 9th
Time:      8:00 pm
Cost:      $40.00 per person (Plus a service fee of 5% + $0.50 will be added to your purchase at checkout)
Sign-up, Pay and Reserve your spot at
Next Men's Club Meeting:
  • Sunday April 14th - 9:15 am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road)
Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee:

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary

Men's Club Event Updates

03/25/2019 09:22:14 PM



Good Evening Men's Club,

I hope this reaches you all well.  I wanted to first start off by thanking everyone who came out for our NCAA March Madness Watch Party yesterday at Glory Days. We look forward building on this event and making next years event bigger & better.  Below you will find some updates to upcoming MC events.  Please make sure you sign-up by the deadlines listed below. Thank you.


Men's Club Bourbon Tasting - Tuesday April 9th - 8:00 pm
Please join the Men's Club as we host our 2nd annual Whisky/Bourbon Tasting on Tuesday April 9th.  We will be provided a private room, tasting, and a Whisky/Bourbon education from Mac McCormick.  The cost of this event will cover 3 Tastings.  (Other food/drink items can be paid for individually the evening of the event).
Location: McCormack's Big Whisky Grill (Regency Square)
               1420 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229
Date:      Tuesday April 9th
Time:      8:00 pm
Cost:      $40.00 per person (Plus a service fee of 5% + $0.50 will be added to your purchase at checkout)
Sign-up, Pay and Reserve your spot at
Men's Club Softball 
Come join the Men's Club Softball team as we take the field for our 30th season in the Western Henrico Church League.  Our Team is led and Coached by Dr. Michael Edelstein.  The league year starts in early April going through the early part of the summer months.  We will be playing our games on Tuesday nights again this year.  If interested in playing, please contact Michael at:
(Requirement to play is to be an Active Men's Club Dues Paying Member)

Michael is planning practices on the following upcoming days:

1.  Sunday morning, March 31 at 10 am.

2.  Sunday morning, April 7 at 10 am.

Both practices will last about 2 hours and will be at Short Pump Field next to Short Pump Elementary on Pump Road just south of Broad Street (our home field).   If the weather is questionable (rainy or temperature below 45 or so) Michael will send out an email to let everyone know whether the practice is on.

Please respond to Michael by email to let him know your availability for the practices.  Thank you.



Flying Squirrels Baseball Game - Free Tickets

Please come support the Flying Squirrels on Squirrels Chamber Day at NOON on Wednesday May 8th.  Our Men's Club Member John Jay Schwartz  has access to free tickets so put your reservations in now and he will leave them at the Temple office for you when he receives them from the Flying Squirrels. We will send out a seperate communication to those that sign-up to let you know when your tickets will be available for pick-up.  THANK YOU, JOHN JAY!!!
Please sign-up for tickets at:
The Deadline to sign-up for tickets is Friday April 5th.  Please list the number of tickets needed (With in reason) when signing up.  Thank you.
Next Men's Club Meeting:
  • Sunday April 14th - 9:15 am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road) 
Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee:

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer 

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary 

Men's Club 2.0 - Event Updates

03/21/2019 05:09:53 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

I hope your Purim celebration is going well.  I also trust those that came out to the community wide Purim celebration at the JCC this past Sunday also had a good time.  We had many of our Men's Club members in attendance helping us man the kitchen during the event.  Thank you to those of you that participated. 

Please join us this Sunday March 24th for our March Madness Watch Party (See Details Below).  Also,  we have postponed our Men's Club Poker Tournament on April 9th and have replaced it with a Whisky/Bourbon Tasting (More Details Below and Sign-up to follow in the coming days).

Purim 2019 Pictures


NCAA March Madness Watch Party - Sunday March 24th

Please join us for some brotherhood and great basketball as we watch the second round games of the NCAA Men's basketball tournament together. We will be meeting at:

Glory Days Grill

Location: Gleneagles Ctr 10466 Ridgefield Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23233
Time: 12:00 Noon (Time is subject to change based on afternoon game schedule as its released - This will be updated).
Food/Drinks: can be purchased individually, if so desired.
Please RSVP:
Note: The first 10 guys to sign-up for this event, the Men's Club will buy you your first drink!
Men's Club Bourbon Tasting - Tuesday April 9th - 8:00 pm
Please join the Men's Club as we host our 2nd annual Whisky/Bourbon Tasting on Tuesday April 9th.  We will be provided a private room, tasting, and a Whisky/Bourbon education from Mac McCormick.  The cost of this event will cover 3 Tastings.  (Food items/drinks can be paid for individually the evening of the event).
Location: McCormack's Big Whisky Grill (Regency Square)
               1420 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229
Date: Tuesday April 9th
Time: 8:00 pm
Cost and Sign-up genius information will be posted in the coming days.  We will also have a dead-line to sign-up and reserve your spot for this event.
Please Mark your calendars and watch your email for further event updates.  Thank you.
Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary

Men's Club Upcoming Events!

03/14/2019 05:05:41 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

Please come join us for our next two Men's Club Events.  The fun starts with the Community Purim Carnival at the JCC this weekend and is followed by an NCAA March Madness Watch party in a couple of weeks.  Please see details below regarding both events.  Please also sign-up at the links provided to save your spot and so we know who to expect.  Thank you.

Community Purim Carnival @ the JCC - with the Men's Club - Sunday March 17th

Please join the Men's Club as we volunteer to support the community wide Purim Carnival and represent Beth-El holding down the kitchen during this event. The carnival starts at 11:30am this year and goes until 2:30pm. We will be cooking starting at 9:30 am.

Please sign-up to join us for a shift and represent Temple Beth-El and the Men's Club at this great community wide celebration.

(We are in need of 3-4 more people to help us cook starting at 9:30am and 3-4 more people to hand out food and collect tickets starting at 11:00am)

Sign-up at:


NCAA March Madness Watch Party - Sunday March 24th

Please join us for some brotherhood and great basketball as we watch the second round games of the NCAA Men's basketball tournament together. We will be meeting at:

Glory Days Grill

Location: Gleneagles Ctr 10466 Ridgefield Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23233
Time: 12:00 Noon (Time is subject to change based on afternoon game schedule as its released - This will be updated).
Food/Drinks: can be purchased individually, if so desired.
Please RSVP:
Note: The first 10 guys to sign-up for this event, the Men's Club will buy you your first drink!
Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary

Men's Club - March Meeting/Upcoming Events

03/03/2019 03:22:13 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

I hope this reaches you well.  Please read below about our upcoming Men's Club Meeting and Events for the month of March.  We look forward seeing everyone at these and others upcoming Men's Club Events.


Men's Club - March Meeting - Next Sunday March 10th - Important Votes - Please Attend!

Please join us for our March Men's Club Meeting at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road) starting at 9:15 am.  We will be meeting in the school library.  This meeting is very important as we will be discussing/voting on upcoming events, softball and club finances.  Please RSVP as coffee, juice, bagels and nosh will be provided.  

RSVP by clicking here:


Community Purim Carnival @ the JCC - with the Men's Club - Sunday March 17th

Please join the Men's Club as we volunteer to support the community wide Purim Carnival and represent Beth-El holding down the kitchen during this event.  The carnival starts at 11:30am this year and goes until 2:30pm.  We will be cooking starting at 9:30 am.

Please sign-up to join us for a shift and represent Temple Beth-El and the Men's Club at this great community wide celebration.

Sign-up at:


NCAA March Madness Watch Party - Sunday March 24th

Please join us for some brotherhood and great basketball as we watch the second round games of the NCAA Men's basketball tournament together.  We will be meeting at:

Glory Days Grill

Location:  Gleneagles Ctr 10466 Ridgefield Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23233
Time: 12:00 Noon (Time is subject to change based on afternoon game schedule as its released - This will be updated).
Food/Drinks: can be purchased individually, if so desired.
Please RSVP:
Note:  The first 10 guys to sign-up for this event, the Men's Club will buy you your first drink!
Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer 

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary 

Men's Club - February Events

02/14/2019 05:45:46 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

This is a friendly reminder to please plan on joining us for our next two Men's Club events.  The events below will take place next weekend and will afford you the opportunity to invite your family & friends along to join in on the fun.  Please sign-up for either event at the links below.


Temple Beth-El New Members and Congregational Dinner - Friday, February 22nd

Please mark your calendars and plan on joining the Men's Club as we Co-sponsors the New Members and Congregational Dinner on Friday February 22, 2019.  Services will begin at 6:00 pm and dinner will follow starting at 7:15 pm.  

Cost: $5.00 Per Person Or $15.00 Per Family (Childcare will be available)

Location: 3330 Grove Avenue


Men's Club 2nd Annual - Grocery Games and Cooking Competition - Sunday, February 24th 

You have heard of the show "Guy's Grocery Games" and  "Chopped", right?...Well now come and experience a taste of them both for yourself.                 

Please join the Men's Club as we host our 2nd Annual...Cooking Competition.  This event is open to all individuals/couples and will be held on Sunday February 24th from 3:00pm-5:30pm at the Publix Aprons Cooking School (5400 Windham Forest Dr Glen Allen 23059). This event has a minimum of 8 people and maximum of 24 who can attend.  

We will be split up into two teams and will be cooking a dairy style meal against one another using ingredients from right in the grocery store.   The Apron's Chef's will be by your side to assist, show you cooking techniques and answer any questions.  After the meals are prepared, the Publix Managers will judge both teams dishes and declare a winner.  Come join in the fun!!!

After the cooking competition, will then sit down to a nice gourmet (separate from the competition meal) prepared dairy meal from the Apron's Chef's. 

If interested, please sign-up as soon as possible as we expect spots for this event to sell out quickly. Cost: $50  per person (+service fee).

Sign-Up at: 

Here is the menu on tap for the prepared Dairy Gourmet Meal that will be served after the cooking competition:

  • Dairy, Potato, Basil and Leek Quiche
  • Baked Dijon Salmon, Israeli Cous Cous and Roasted Vegetables
  • White Truffle Mac and Cheese
  • Charred Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower
  • Challah Bread Pudding and Cinnamon Ice Cream

(1-2 non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages will be included with your meal)

Date: 02/24/2019 (Sun.)

Time: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST

Location: Publix Aprons Cooking School at Nuckols Place

5400 Wyndham Forest Dr, Glen Allen, VA 23059 


If you have any questions regarding either event, please respond to this email.

We look forward to your participating and seeing everyone next week!!!


Temple Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer 

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary 


Men's Club 2.0 Meeting This Sunday (2/10) / Upcoming Events

02/06/2019 04:31:24 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

I hope this reaches you well.  I wanted to provide some meeting and event updates in this weeks email.  Please read below and see what the Men's Club will be up to this month and next.  We hope you will find at least one event and possibly more that you would like to attend.


Next Men's Club Meeting - Sunday February 10th

Please plan on joining us at our February Men's Club Meeting this coming Sunday February 10th at the Brown Religious School (601. N. Parham Road) starting at 9:15 am.   We look forward to seeing you as we will be discussing club business and finalizing plans for upcoming events. Coffee and Nosh will be served.  Please sign-up at the sign-up genius link below so we know how much food to prepare:


Temple Beth-El New Members and Congregational Dinner - February 22nd

Please mark your calendars and plan on joining the Men's Club as we Co-sponsors the New Members and Congregational Dinner on Friday February 22, 2019.  Services will begin at 6:00 pm and dinner will follow starting at 7:15 pm.  

Cost: $5.00 Per Person Or $15.00 Per Family (Childcare will be available)

Location: 3330 Grove Avenue


Men's Club 2nd Annual - Grocery Games and Cooking Competition - Feb. 24th 

You have heard of the show "Guy's Grocery Games" and  "Chopped", right?...Well now come and experience a taste of them both for yourself.                 

Please join the Men's Club as we host our 2nd Annual...Cooking Competition.  This event is open to all individuals/couples and will be held on Sunday February 24th from 3:00pm-5:30pm at the Publix Aprons Cooking School (5400 Windham Forest Dr Glen Allen 23059). This event has a minimum of 8 people and maximum of 24 who can attend.  

We will be split up into two teams and will be cooking a dairy style meal against one another using ingredients from right in the grocery store.   The Apron's Chef's will be by your side to assist, show you cooking techniques and answer any questions.  After the meals are prepared, the Publix Managers will judge both teams dishes and declare a winner.  Come join in the fun!!!

After the cooking competition, will then sit down to a nice gourmet (separate from the competition meal) prepared dairy meal from the Apron's Chef's. 

If interested, please sign-up as soon as possible as we expect spots for this event to sell out quickly. Cost: $50  per person.

Sign-Up at:

Here is the menu on tap for the prepared Dairy Gourmet Meal that will be served after the cooking competition:

  • Dairy, Potato, Basil and Leek Quiche
  • Baked Dijon Salmon, Israeli Cous Cous and Roasted Vegetables
  • White Truffle Mac and Cheese
  • Charred Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower
  • Challah Bread Pudding and Cinnamon Ice Cream

(1-2 non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages will be included with your meal)

Date: 02/24/2019 (Sun.)

Time: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST

Location: Publix Aprons Cooking School at Nuckols Place

5400 Wyndham Forest Dr, Glen Allen, VA 23059 


Upcoming Events in March: Mark your Calendars!!

  • March 10th - Men's Club March Meeting
  • March 17th - MC at the Purim Carnival @ the JCC
  • March 24th - Men's Club NCCA March Madness Watch Party
  • End of March - Men's Club Softball Season Starts


Thank you for your support of the Temple Beth-El Men's Club.  If you should have any ideas or comments, please respond to this email.

Shalom, David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club Meeting Sunday

01/18/2019 03:30:10 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

Please plan on joining us this Sunday January 20th for our next Men's Club Meeting.  We will meet at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd) starting at 9:15 am in the Library.  We will be discussing club business and upcoming events.

Please RSVP at:

Coffee and Nosh will be served.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!

The Men's Club Executive Committee

Men's Club Meeting Canceled / Rescheduled for Jan. 20th

01/12/2019 08:19:44 PM


Good Evening Men's Club,

Due to the expected inclement weather the Men's Club Meeting is canceled for tomorrow, January, 13.

We will reschedule our meeting for next Sunday January 20th starting at 9:15am (Brown Religious School - 601. N. Parham Rd).  A reminder notice will go out in the next few days.  Please be safe!

Thank you,

The Men's Club Executive Committee

Men's Club Meeting Sunday / Escape Room Event

01/11/2019 05:00:20 PM


Good afternoon Men's Club,

I hope this reaches you well.  Your Men's Club Executive Committee wanted to provide a quick reminder that our January Men's Club Meeting will be this Sunday January 13th at the Brown Religious School (601. N. Parham Road) starting at 9:15 am.   In case of inclement weather this Sunday, we will reschedule our meeting for Next Sunday January 20th, same location and time.

Please sign-up at the sign-up genius link below so we know how much food to prepare:


Also, please sign-up for:

Men's Club - Escape Room - January 17th

Please come join the Men's Club for some fun and brotherhood as we work together to solve the puzzles and escape the room.

Escape Room RVA has cultivated 2 unique escape room experiences that will challenge your mind and keep your heart pounding until the very end. Artifacts, clues, cryptic symbols, and unexpected interactive materials used in each room guide players through exciting adventures. Only the wiliest, most coordinated teams will escape to the other side. Does your team have what it takes?

Costs: $30.00

Date: Thursday January 17, 2018

Time: We will meet at 8:00 pm at the Escape Room RVA located at the Village Shopping Center (Entrance located behind the building).

Location address: 7025 Three Chopt Rd, Richmond, VA 23226

Sign-up and pay @:

For anyone interested in arriving early, please plan on joining us at Toast (restaurant and bar) in the Village Shopping Center for a drink or quick bite to eat at 7:00pm before we walk over to the escape room. Please reach out to David Isenberg @ (804) 387-1371 if you are interested in going to dinner beforehand. (Dinner and Drinks are not included in the cost of admission)


Shabbat Shalom,

David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President |


Men's Club Meeting Next Sunday / News and Events

01/06/2019 07:58:44 PM


Good Evening Men's Club,

On behalf of the Men's Club Executive Committee, I want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year!  As we embark on a new year, the Men's Club has many exciting events that we have planned for you over these next few months.  I would encourage you to please take some time to review the upcoming events below and determine which ones you would like to participate in.  We look forward seeing you all very soon.

Next Men's Club Meeting - Sunday January 13th

Please plan on joining us at our January Men's Club Meeting next Sunday January 13th at the Brown Religious School (601. N. Parham Road) starting at 9:15 am.   We look forward to seeing you as we will be discussing club business and finalizing plans for upcoming events. Coffee and Nosh will be served.  Please sign-up at the sign-up genius link below so we know how much food to prepare:

Men's Club - Escape Room - January 17th

Please come join the Men's Club for some fun and brotherhood as we work together to solve the puzzles and escape the room.

Escape Room RVA has cultivated 2 unique escape room experiences that will challenge your mind and keep your heart pounding until the very end. Artifacts, clues, cryptic symbols, and unexpected interactive materials used in each room guide players through exciting adventures. Only the wiliest, most coordinated teams will escape to the other side. Does your team have what it takes?

Costs: $30.00

Date: Thursday January 17, 2018

Time: We will meet at 8:00 pm at the Escape Room RVA located at the Village Shopping Center (Entrance located behind the building).

Location address: 7025 Three Chopt Rd, Richmond, VA 23226

Sign-up and pay @:

For anyone interested in arriving early, please plan on joining us at Toast (restaurant and bar) in the Village Shopping Center for a drink or quick bite to eat at 7:00pm before we walk over to the escape room. Please reach out to David Isenberg @ (804) 387-1371 if you are interested in going to dinner beforehand. (Dinner and Drinks are not included in the cost of admission)

Temple Beth-El New Members and Congregational Dinner - February 22nd

Please mark your calendars and plan on joining the Men's Club as we Co-sponsors the New Members and Congregational Dinner on Friday February 22, 2019.  Services will begin at 6:00 pm and dinner will follow starting at 7:15 pm.  

Cost: $5.00 Per Person Or $15.00 Per Family (Childcare will be available)

Location: 3330 Grove Avenue

Men's Club Grocery Games and Cooking Competition - Feb. 24th 

You have heard of the show "Guy's Grocery Games" and  "Chopped", right?...Well now come and experience a taste of them both for yourself.                 

Please join the Men's Club as we host our 2nd Annual...Cooking Competition.  This event is open to all individuals/couples and will be held on Sunday February 24th from 3:00pm-5:30pm at the Publix Aprons Cooking School (5400 Windham Forest Dr Glen Allen 23059). This event has a minimum of 8 people and maximum of 24 who can attend.  

We will be split up into two teams and will be cooking a dairy style meal against one another using ingredients from right in the grocery store.   The Apron's Chef's will be by your side to assist, show you cooking techniques and answer any questions.  After the meals are prepared, the Publix Managers will judge both teams dishes and declare a winner.  Come join in the fun!!!

After the cooking competition, will then sit down to a nice gourmet (separate from the competition meal) prepared dairy meal from the Apron's Chef's. 

If interested, please sign-up as soon as possible as we expect spots for this event to sell out quickly. Cost: $50  per person.

Sign-Up at:

Here is the menu on tap for the prepared Dairy Gourmet Meal that will be served after the cooking competition:

  • Dairy, Potato, Basil and Leek Quiche
  • Baked Dijon Salmon, Israeli Cous Cous and Roasted Vegetables
  • White Truffle Mac and Cheese
  • Charred Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower
  • Challah Bread Pudding and Cinnamon Ice Cream

(1-2 non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages will be included with your meal)

Date: 02/24/2019 (Sun.)

Time: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST

Location: Publix Aprons Cooking School at Nuckols Place

5400 Wyndham Forest Dr, Glen Allen, VA 23059 

Upcoming Events: Mark your Calendars!!

  • March 17th - MC at the Purim Carnival @ the JCC
  • March 24th - Men's Club NCCA March Madness Watch Party
  • End of March - Men's Club Softball Season Starts

Thank you for your interest in the Temple Beth-El Men's Club. If you have any questions, please respond to this email.



David Isenberg, President Temple Beth-El Men's Club |

Men's Club 2.0 - 2019 Dues

12/20/2018 08:53:14 PM




As you may know the Men’s Club has been hard at work this past year reorganizing with our Men’s Club 2.0 initiative. This new initiative has refocused the Men’s Club around three key programing pillars, making sure there is something for everyone: Social/Jewish Networking, Community Service / Support of our Religious School and Comradery through Sports.


As we strive to make continued improvements and changes for our membership, we rely upon membership dues to help us with these initiatives. By paying Men’s Club dues with an annual gift of $38.00 (or a larger donation), you are supporting the Jacob & Selma Brown Religious School and all of the activities that Men’s Club sponsors throughout the year, including Temple Beth-El operations.


If you plan to do so, please pay by January 31, 2019.


If you have already paid, thank you!


Payment Options:


  • Pay online via this link: (If paying online by Credit Card, a service fee of 5% + $0.50 will be added to your purchase at checkout)  
  • Or Pay by Check and send back to the Men's Club in the self addressed envelope which you should receive by mail in the next day or so. Please make all checks payable to: Temple Beth-El Men’s Club


Your canceled check is your tax-deductible receipt. If you pay by credit card, you will receive a receipt by email.


Any questions, please contact Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary at (804) 690-0597.


Thank you for your support of the Temple Beth-El Men’s Club.


David Isenberg,                                          Stephen Frost,

Men’s Club President                                 Membership/Financial Secretary

Men's Club 2.0 Meeting Today

11/11/2018 07:35:43 AM


Good Morning Men's Club,

This is a friendly reminder that we will be having our November MC Meeting this morning (11/11/18) at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.) starting at 9:15 am.  We hope to see all of you there as we will be discussing Club business and our revision to the constitution.

Bagels, Coffee and Nosh will be served.

Thank you,

Temple Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee 


Men's Club Response to Pittsburgh

10/28/2018 06:41:14 PM



Good Evening Men's Club,

On behalf of the Men’s Club Executive Committee, we come before you today with very heavy hearts. Yesterday’s horrific events and tragic loss of life at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh has affected us all.  We have heard from many of our members yesterday and today, asking us what Men’s Club can do to help.  First and foremost, the Executive Committee is here for you in your time of need. Please know that we plan to work with Beth-El leadership and the greater Richmond Jewish Community in an effort to maximize the security of our temple, children and the community at large. We will further look to work with the Jewish Federation and our temple community on ways that we might support the victims in Pittsburgh.  We will also continue to update everyone on our progress with these discussions and the decisions and actions that result in the days, weeks and months ahead.  


Men’s Club Executive Committee

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Jeffery Bookbinder, Treasurer 

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary

Men's Club - News and Updates

10/24/2018 09:35:44 PM


Good Evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches everyone well.  I wanted to take this opportunity to update everyone on some news and notes with Men's Club... 

Men's Club Constitution Revision/Update

As President of the Men's Club I took the initiative to look into revising/updating our constitution. The last revision/update took place back in 2005. Our Executive Committee and I felt it was important to update for the current times.  As a result, I put together a committee of Men's Club Past Presidents and current Executive Committee members who worked hard together to revise the current constitution.   Below is a link to this updated version with the changes:

Men's Club Constitution - Revision_Update

We are asking members to please review this over these next few weeks.  We will then plan to have discussion on this topic at our next meeting in November and we will take a vote to accept this update in our December meeting.

Cantor Rosenblatt's Installation Weekend 

Please mark your calendars for Cantor Rosenblatt's Installation Weekend   - Friday November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd at Grove Avenue.  

The Men's Club will be sponsoring the evening Havdallah Program on Saturday November 3rd starting at 7:00pm with a dessert table and bar.  We are looking forward to seeing as many Men's Club Members and their families at the Saturday Night Event to show your support.

Please sign-up and RSVP at:


MC Pub Crawl 

Last Thursday evening was our first Jewish Networking/Social Event of the "New Year".  It was a good time had by all who attended and it was nice to see some new and old faces alike.  The event started at the Veil Brewery and we finished up at the Vassen Brewery.  Here are a few pictures from the evening:


Next Men's Club Meeting: Sunday November 11th starting at 9:15 am.  Please mark your calendars.


Thank you for being apart of Men's Club.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please respond to this email directly.


David Isenberg

Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Reminder: Men's Club Pub Crawl tomorrow / Meeting Sunday

10/17/2018 09:04:44 PM


Good Evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches everyone well.  I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of our first Social/Jewish Networking event of the new year with tomorrow nights Pub Crawl event.  I also wanted to remind everyone that our monthly Men's Club meeting was rescheduled to this coming Sunday.  Please see below for more information:


Men's Club - Pub Crawl Event (Social/ Jewish Networking) - Thursday October 18th - starting at 7:00 p.m.

Please join us for our first Social Event of the "New" year with a Pub Crawl in Scotts Addition.  We will be meeting at Veil Brewery starting at 7:00 pm, (1301 Roseneath Road Richmond 23230) and going on from there.  Come join us for some Jewish brotherhood, networking and great beer.  If you plan on attending but will be joining us late, please text David Isenberg at (804) 387-1371 and he will text you back where to meet the group.  Thank you. 

Please Sign-up at the Sign-up Genius Link below to save your spot:


Men's Club Meeting - This Sunday October 21st

Mark your calendars: Our next Men's Club Meeting will be held on Sunday October 21st Starting at 9:15am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road). We welcome all current paid members and non-members alike to come join us and hear what's going on and get involved with all the many things Men's Club has to offer. For more information, please reach out directly to David Isenberg, Men's Club President at (804) 387-1371. Thank you.

*Please consider coming before the meeting at 9:00am this Sunday and join Cantor Rosenblatt for a Meet and Greet in the Hebrew School Lobby.


Cantor Rosenblatt's Installation Weekend - 

Please mark your calendars for Cantor Rosenblatt's Installation Weekend   - Friday November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd at Grove Avenue.  The Men's Club will be sponsoring the evening event on Saturday November 3rd starting at 7:00pm with a dessert table and bar.  We will need help setting up for the evening starting at 3:00pm on Nov. 3rd.  Please come to the Men's Club meeting for more information on how you can get involved or please respond to this email if you are interested in helping.


Thank you for being apart of Men's Club.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please respond to this email directly.


David Isenberg

Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Men’s Club meeting canceled today due to Power Outage

10/14/2018 08:51:42 AM


Attention Men’s Club,

We apologize for the short notice; however, we were just informed by the temple staff that there is no power at the Hebrew School. We will reschedule for next Sunday October 21st. 

Thank you,

Men’s Club Exec. Committee 

Men's Club Meeting Sunday / Pub Crawl and events

10/10/2018 09:49:50 PM



Good Evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches everyone well.  I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of our upcoming meeting this Sunday, along with some Men's Club scheduled events and thank those of you who participated in our Sukkah Build.

 Men's Club Meeting - This Sunday October 14th

Mark your calendars: Our next Men's Club Meeting will be held on Sunday October 14th Starting at 9:15am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road). We welcome all current paid members and non-members alike to come join us and hear what's going on and get involved with all the many things Men's Club has to offer. For more information, please reach out directly to David Isenberg, Men's Club President at (804) 387-1371. Thank you.


Men's Club - Pub Crawl Event (Jewish & Social Networking) - Thursday October 18th - starting at 7:00 p.m.

Please join us for our first Social Event of the "New" year with a Pub Crawl in Scotts Addition.  We will be meeting at Veil Brewery starting at 7:00 pm, (1301 Roseneath Road Richmond 23230) and going on from there.  Come join us for some Jewish brotherhood, networking and great beer.  Please Mark your Calendars!!!  

Please Sign-up at the Sign-up Genius Link below to save your spot:


Cantor Rosenblatt's Installation Weekend - 

Please mark your calendars for Cantor Rosenblatt's Installation Weekend   - Friday November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd at Grove Avenue.  The Men's Club will be sponsoring the evening event on Saturday November 3rd starting at 7:00pm with a dessert table and bar.  We will need help setting up for the evening starting at 3:00pm on Nov. 3rd.  Please come to the Men's Club meeting for more information on how you can get involved or please respond to this email if you are interested in helping.


Sukkah Build - Thank You!

We had another successful Sukkah Build this year with a great turn out from 17 people that participated.  Thank you to those of you who helped make this years build go smoothly.  We greatly appreciate all of your help and efforts.  The Men's Club Sukkah Build has been a tradition at Beth-El for many years.  If you haven't had the opportunity to participate before, we welcome you to attend at next years event. 


Thank you for being apart of Men's Club.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please respond to this email directly.


David Isenberg

Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club - Sukkah Building this Sunday / Event updates

09/21/2018 04:49:18 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches you all well.  As we come out of the high holidays, I wanted to remind everyone of some upcoming Men's Club Events and meetings.


Annual MC Sukkah Building - This Sunday September 23rd - Starting at 9:00 am

Please join us as we build the Temple Sukkah (outside the temple) at 3330 Grove Avenue on Sunday September 23rd starting at 9:00 am (Mark your calendars).  Please bring tools (ratchets, hammers, drills, impact drivers, etc.).  The Men's Club will be providing Bagels, Coffee and Juice.  (Following the Sukkah building in the afternoon will be a celebration of Sukkot in the Sukkah starting at 4:00 p.m - please look at the Temple website and communications for more information).  Also, a date for the Sukkah to be taken down will be determined soon and members will be notified in a following communication to help assist.

Please Sign-up at the Sign-up Genius below:



Men's Club - Pub Crawl Event (Jewish & Social Networking) - Thursday October 18th - starting at 7:00 p.m.

Please join us for our first Social Event of the "New" year with a Pub Crawl in Scotts Addition.  We will be meeting at Veil Brewery starting at 7:00 pm, (1301 Roseneath Road Richmond 23230) and going on from there.  Come join us for some Jewish brotherhood, networking and great beer.  Please Mark your Calendars!!!  

Please Sign-up at the Sign-up Genius Link below to save your spot:


Next Men's Club Meeting - Sunday October 14th 

Mark your calendars: Our next Men's Club Meeting will be held on Sunday October 14th Starting at 9:15am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road).  We welcome all current paid members and non-members alike to come join us and hear what's going on and get involved with all the many things Men's Club has to offer.  For more information, please reach out directly to David Isenberg, Men's Club President at (804) 387-1371. Thank you.


Thank you for being apart of Men's Club.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please respond to this email directly.


David Isenberg

​​​​​​​Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785