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Men's Club - News and Events

06/04/2019 04:47:52 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

Here are a few news and notes of upcoming events:


Men's Club 2nd Annual Golf Outing - June 23rd - Sycamore Creek


Date:  Sunday June 23rd

Location1991 Manakin Road (just off W Broad St)
Manakin-Sabot VA. 23103

Tee Times: Start at 10:00 am (Please arrive by 9:15 am to warm up and get your golf cart)

Cost:  $53.00 (Includes Green Fees and Cart) (Note: A service fee of 5% + $0.50 will be added to this item at checkout.)

Register and Pay for your spot at:  Men's Club Golf Sign-up



Men's Club Honey Fundraiser - Coming Soon!!!

The Men's Club will be running a new Honey Fundraising event for congregation this year.  This distinctive 8-ounce jar of kosher honey will arrive in time for Rosh Hashanah, decorated with a festive label, and includes a personalized card reading "Shana Tova - Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year".  The cost will be $12.50 per jar which includes shipping and handling within the United States (We will gladly mail orders outside the US for an additional Fee*).  Order Online by July 31st to avoid a $5.00 shipping fee.

Please look out for an email soon that will announce when the website is live to start placing your order(s).



TBE - Casino Night Committee - Sign-up Today!!!

The 3rd Annual Temple Beth-El Casino Night is happening on Saturday November 2, 2019 from 6:30pm-10:30pm at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road).  As we gear up for what plans to be another great event, we are looking for anyone in the congregation that is interested in participating with the Casino Night Committee.  This year the Men's Club is the title sponsor of the event and we need your support to help us make this a successful event.  The Committees first meeting for this event will be on Thursday June 20th at 7:00pm at the Brown Religious School.  We are looking for people to assist with Food Prep, Decorations, Admissions, Publicity, Setup, Cleanup, Silent Auction and more.  If you are interested or know some one who is, please email David Isenberg, Casino Night Committee Chairperson at or call (804) 387-1371.  Thank you for your support!!!


Men's Club Baseball Outing - July 7th

Come join the Men's Club as we enjoy an evening out at the ballpark.  This event is open to all, so plan to bring your family and friends along.

Date: Sunday July 7, 2019

Location:  The Diamond - Squirrels Stadium

Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Ticket Price:  $8.00 each

Register & Pay at:

Questions:  Please reach out to Don Light, Co-Sports Chair at


Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club!!!
The Beth-El Men's Club Executive Committee:

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary

Jeffrey Bookbinder, Treasurer 

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary 

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