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Reminder: Men's Club Pub Crawl tomorrow / Meeting Sunday

10/17/2018 09:04:44 PM


Good Evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches everyone well.  I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of our first Social/Jewish Networking event of the new year with tomorrow nights Pub Crawl event.  I also wanted to remind everyone that our monthly Men's Club meeting was rescheduled to this coming Sunday.  Please see below for more information:


Men's Club - Pub Crawl Event (Social/ Jewish Networking) - Thursday October 18th - starting at 7:00 p.m.

Please join us for our first Social Event of the "New" year with a Pub Crawl in Scotts Addition.  We will be meeting at Veil Brewery starting at 7:00 pm, (1301 Roseneath Road Richmond 23230) and going on from there.  Come join us for some Jewish brotherhood, networking and great beer.  If you plan on attending but will be joining us late, please text David Isenberg at (804) 387-1371 and he will text you back where to meet the group.  Thank you. 

Please Sign-up at the Sign-up Genius Link below to save your spot:


Men's Club Meeting - This Sunday October 21st

Mark your calendars: Our next Men's Club Meeting will be held on Sunday October 21st Starting at 9:15am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road). We welcome all current paid members and non-members alike to come join us and hear what's going on and get involved with all the many things Men's Club has to offer. For more information, please reach out directly to David Isenberg, Men's Club President at (804) 387-1371. Thank you.

*Please consider coming before the meeting at 9:00am this Sunday and join Cantor Rosenblatt for a Meet and Greet in the Hebrew School Lobby.


Cantor Rosenblatt's Installation Weekend - 

Please mark your calendars for Cantor Rosenblatt's Installation Weekend   - Friday November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd at Grove Avenue.  The Men's Club will be sponsoring the evening event on Saturday November 3rd starting at 7:00pm with a dessert table and bar.  We will need help setting up for the evening starting at 3:00pm on Nov. 3rd.  Please come to the Men's Club meeting for more information on how you can get involved or please respond to this email if you are interested in helping.


Thank you for being apart of Men's Club.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please respond to this email directly.


David Isenberg

Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

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