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Men's Club 2.0 Meeting This Sunday (2/10) / Upcoming Events

02/06/2019 04:31:24 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

I hope this reaches you well.  I wanted to provide some meeting and event updates in this weeks email.  Please read below and see what the Men's Club will be up to this month and next.  We hope you will find at least one event and possibly more that you would like to attend.


Next Men's Club Meeting - Sunday February 10th

Please plan on joining us at our February Men's Club Meeting this coming Sunday February 10th at the Brown Religious School (601. N. Parham Road) starting at 9:15 am.   We look forward to seeing you as we will be discussing club business and finalizing plans for upcoming events. Coffee and Nosh will be served.  Please sign-up at the sign-up genius link below so we know how much food to prepare:


Temple Beth-El New Members and Congregational Dinner - February 22nd

Please mark your calendars and plan on joining the Men's Club as we Co-sponsors the New Members and Congregational Dinner on Friday February 22, 2019.  Services will begin at 6:00 pm and dinner will follow starting at 7:15 pm.  

Cost: $5.00 Per Person Or $15.00 Per Family (Childcare will be available)

Location: 3330 Grove Avenue


Men's Club 2nd Annual - Grocery Games and Cooking Competition - Feb. 24th 

You have heard of the show "Guy's Grocery Games" and  "Chopped", right?...Well now come and experience a taste of them both for yourself.                 

Please join the Men's Club as we host our 2nd Annual...Cooking Competition.  This event is open to all individuals/couples and will be held on Sunday February 24th from 3:00pm-5:30pm at the Publix Aprons Cooking School (5400 Windham Forest Dr Glen Allen 23059). This event has a minimum of 8 people and maximum of 24 who can attend.  

We will be split up into two teams and will be cooking a dairy style meal against one another using ingredients from right in the grocery store.   The Apron's Chef's will be by your side to assist, show you cooking techniques and answer any questions.  After the meals are prepared, the Publix Managers will judge both teams dishes and declare a winner.  Come join in the fun!!!

After the cooking competition, will then sit down to a nice gourmet (separate from the competition meal) prepared dairy meal from the Apron's Chef's. 

If interested, please sign-up as soon as possible as we expect spots for this event to sell out quickly. Cost: $50  per person.

Sign-Up at:

Here is the menu on tap for the prepared Dairy Gourmet Meal that will be served after the cooking competition:

  • Dairy, Potato, Basil and Leek Quiche
  • Baked Dijon Salmon, Israeli Cous Cous and Roasted Vegetables
  • White Truffle Mac and Cheese
  • Charred Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower
  • Challah Bread Pudding and Cinnamon Ice Cream

(1-2 non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages will be included with your meal)

Date: 02/24/2019 (Sun.)

Time: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST

Location: Publix Aprons Cooking School at Nuckols Place

5400 Wyndham Forest Dr, Glen Allen, VA 23059 


Upcoming Events in March: Mark your Calendars!!

  • March 10th - Men's Club March Meeting
  • March 17th - MC at the Purim Carnival @ the JCC
  • March 24th - Men's Club NCCA March Madness Watch Party
  • End of March - Men's Club Softball Season Starts


Thank you for your support of the Temple Beth-El Men's Club.  If you should have any ideas or comments, please respond to this email.

Shalom, David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

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