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Men's Club - End of the Year Religious School Picnic - May 19th - Volunteers Needed!!

05/16/2019 04:49:46 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,


Just a friendly reminder that the Religious School End of the Year Picnic is this Sunday May 19th.

We are still in need of volunteers for this Men's Club Sponsored Event.  If you have already signed up to help, thank you!!! If you have not signed up yet, please click on the sign-up genius link below for a volunteer job/time and lend your support..

We need everyone's help to make this event successful.  (Please forward this to anyone you feel would like to participate) Thank you!

Date:  Sunday, May 19th

Location: Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road)

Picnic Time:  Picnic Starts at 12:00pm and ends at 2:30pm  (Volunteer jobs start at 9:30am)


Sign-up for volunteer jobs at:

Men's Club Volunteer Picnic Sign-up

The following volunteer jobs still have open spots:

  • Setup (9:30am-10:30am)
  • Cooking Prep / Cooking (9:30am-11:45am)
  • Serving Food (11:45am-1:30pm)
  • Running Snow Cone Machine (12:00pm-2:15pm)
  • Clean-up (2:30pm-3:15pm)


Thank you,

Men's Club Executive Committee

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