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Men's Club 2.0 - News / Upcoming Events

08/26/2018 07:50:15 PM


Good evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches you well and you have been enjoying a nice summer.  As the Men's Club looks to ramp up again after a couple of months off for the summer, I wanted to share with you some information on our board, and upcoming news/events.

First off before I begin,  I have some sad news to report.  In case you missed the announcement this morning, one of our own, Paul Fiedler passed away after a hard fought battle with cancer these last few years.  Paul was known to many of our members as a close friend and a big supporter of our Men's Club Softball Team as both a player and a fan.     There will be a memorial service for Paul at the Temple, 3330 Grove Avenue, Tomorrow Monday August 27th at 2:00 pm.  I would encourage all of you who can make it to please attend.  Thank you.


New Men's Club Executive Board 

In case you missed it in June we installed our new Men's Club Executive Board.  This is a two year commitment for these individuals and I want to welcome them again and thank them for their service/commitment to the Men's Club.

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership and Financial Secretary

Jeff Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary 

Our new board has been hard at work over these summer months planning new events for the upcoming year (through next June), starting to put together a budget, working on fundraising ideas for the club and working to update our constitution for ratification this Fall.  As we start our activities again in September, please look for communication from our executive board to get involved in club events and committees. 

Men's Club Meetings 

Again, we will meet on the Second Sunday of every month at 9:15 am at the Brown Religious School, 601 N. Parham Road.  Please mark your calendars accordingly and look out for the Sign-up Genius invitation to attend.  The only exceptions to this rule our in April when we will have two meetings one for the month of April and another for the month of May.  Also June's meeting will start at 10:00 am.  Please look at the temple calendar for more information and email updates throughout the year.

Next Men's Club Meeting: Sunday September 9th at 9:15 am Brown Religious School, 601 N. Parham Road (In the multi-purpose room).  Please RSVP to the Sign-up Genius invite so we know if you will be attending and how many bagels, coffee and nosh to provide.  Thank you.



Men's Club Opening Day Religious School Picnic & Tashlich Event - Sunday Sept. 16th

Please join your fellow brothers as we put on another opening day picnic for our religious school children as they embark on a new school year.  This year we will combine efforts with the Temple by putting on a picnic event along with the celebration of Tashlich.  This event will be held on Sunday September 16th at Deep Run Park - (Shelter #2).  The event actually starts at 12:30 pm and goes until 2:30 pm or so; however we will need members to help with setup, Food preparation/serving and cleanup.  We are asking for volunteers for setup to please be at the religious school to load equipment, food items, etc. by 10:00 am.  Please sign-up for a job role at the Sign-up Genius below:


Annual MC Sukkah Building - Sunday September 23rd - Starting at 9:00 am

Please join us as we build the Temple Sukkah (outside the temple) at 3330 Grove Avenue on Sunday September 23rd starting at 9:00 am (Mark your calendars).  Please bring tools (ratchets, hammers, drills, impact drivers, etc.).  The Men's Club will be providing Bagels, Coffee and Juice.  Also, children are welcome to attend and help as able.  (Following the Sukkah building in the afternoon will be a celebration of Sukkot in the Sukkah starting at 4:00 p.m - please look at the Temple website and communications for more information).  Also, a date for the Sukkah to be taken down will be determined soon and members will be notified in a following communication to help assist.

Please Sign-up at the Sign-up Genius below:



​​​​​​​Men's Club - Pub Crawl Event (Jewish & Social Networking) - Thursday October 18th - starting at 7:00 p.m.

Please join us for our first Social Event of the "New" year with a Pub Crawl in Scotts Addition.  We will be meeting at Veil Brewery starting at 7:00 pm, (1301 Roseneath Road Richmond 23230) and going on from there.  Come join us for some Jewish brotherhood, networking and great beer.  Please Mark your Calendars!!!  Sign-up Genius will go out in the coming weeks.


Thank you for being apart of Men's Club.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please respond to this email.


David Isenberg

​​​​​​​Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club - New's and Event Updates

05/28/2018 03:14:10 PM



Happy Memorial Day, Men's Club Members and Prospective Members;

I want to take a moment to thank all of our Men's Club Members and their families who have given the ultimate sacrifice and served our great country.  On behalf of the Men's Club, we salute you and thank you for your service!!!

Upcoming MC Events:


Men's Club Golf Scramble - June 3rd - Sycamore Creek 

**Spots are still available...if you are interested in playing, please register/pay by Thursday May 31st.

Date:  Sunday June 3rd

Location:1991 Manakin Road (just off W Broad St)
Manakin-Sabot VA. 23103

Tee Times: Start at 10:00 am

Cost:  $53.00 (Includes Green Fees and Cart)

Register and Pay for your spot:


Men's Club Board Installation and Pre-neg - Friday June 8th

Please join us on Friday June 8th (3330 Grove Avenue) as we celebrate our outgoing Executive Board and install our incoming Board.  The Men's Club ceremony will take place towards the end of Friday night services (Services Start at 6:00pm). We encourage all Men's Club Members and Prospective members to come out and support the Executive Board. 

The Men's Club will also be sponsoring a Pre-neg (Open to all) prior to Friday night services starting at 5:15pm - 6:00pm.  Please mark your calendars and we look forward to seeing you there.


Men's Club Meeting - (Last Meeting of the Year) Sunday June 10th - 10:15am 

Please plan on joining us along with the new MC Executive Board for our last Meeting of the year before we take a two month break for the summer.  We will be meeting at the Brown Religious School - 601 N. Parham Rd. Bagels, coffee and nosh will be served. 


Pub Crawl with our Brothers from Beth Ahabah - Thursday June 14th 

Please plan on joining us Thursday June 14th starting at 7:00pm at Ardent Craft Ales for some good beer and brotherhood.  We will be at Ardent at reserved tables from 7:00pm until about 9:00pm.  We will then walk across the street to The Circuit Arcade Bar from 9:00pm until 11:00pm (3121 W Leigh St, Richmond, VA 23230).  We have reserved tables at Circuit as well. It is important you RSVP (so we know what count to give the brewery and bar.  This is a cash bar event.   Thank you!!! 

RSVP by clicking this link:


Men's Club Softball

Please plan on joining us to cheer on our team at our next game this Tuesday, May 29 against a strong West End Fellowship team. We play at LAUREL RECREATION CENTER and play the early games starting at 6:30pm

​​​​​​​Laurel Recreation Center is located at 10301 Hungary Springs Road, Henrico 23228.


MEN'S CLUB T-SHIRTS - Now Available!!!

If you would like to purchase your Men's T-Shirt please order at:
T-Shirts are available in Medium, Large and X-Large for $12.00; We have One XXL left for $14.00

Men's Club Dues - Friendly Reminder:

The Men's Club Dues are $38 for the 2018 calendar year. If you have already paid, we thank you for your support. If you have not paid, you can still pay via your Shul Cloud Account, paying by check, cash, or card at the temple office or by reaching out to Stephen Frost, Membership/Financial Secretary at: 


(Any questions or suggestions, please respond to this email)

Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club,

David Isenberg

President - Beth-El Men's Club | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club - Order Your T-Shirt Today!!

04/23/2018 12:28:19 PM



Reminder - Order Your Men's Club Tee-Shirt Today!!!

The Men's Club will be ordering Men's Club Tee-Shirts  - the cost is $12.00 per shirt*. This is a great opportunity to show your Men's Club pride and support for our organization. Please order your shirts today so we can receive them by the Men's Club Picnic on May 6th. Please order/pay at the link below: (Please add $2.00 Extra for size XXL)

If you are unable to pre-order today, there will be some shirts available for purchase at the Men's Club Picnic on Sunday May 6th from 12-2:30 pm.  (All proceeds go towards supporting the Men's Club) 

Thank you,
David Isenberg
David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club 2.0 - News and Event Updates

04/18/2018 07:09:17 PM



Good Evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members:

In this communication, I would like to share with you some news on upcoming events, Men's Club Shirts, Men's Club End of Year Picnic, Nomination of a new Men's Club Board and Men's Club Golf Scramble.


Order Your Men's Club Tee-Shirt Today!!!

The Men's Club will be ordering Men's Club Tee-Shirts - the cost is $12.00 per shirt*.  This is a great opportunity to show your Men's Club pride and support for our organization.  Please Order your Shirts by Monday April 23, 2018 so we can receive them by the Men's Club Picnic on May 6th. Please order/pay at the link below:  (Please add $2.00 Extra for size XXL)


Men's Club End of Year Picnic - Sunday May 6th 

Please join us for the Men's Club Annual End of Year Picnic at the Brown Religious School on Sunday May 6th from 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm.  This event is to celebrate our children as they complete the end of another great Hebrew school year.  We need your support to put this event on, so please sign-up for a volunteer job and time slot at the link below:


Men's Club Golf Scramble - June 3rd - Sycamore Creek


Date:  Sunday June 3rd

Location:1991 Manakin Road (just off W Broad St)
Manakin-Sabot VA. 23103

Tee Times: Start at 10:00 am

Cost:  $53.00 (Includes Green Fees and Cart)

Register and Pay for your spot:


Men's Club Nominating Committee - New Executive Board 

The MC Nominating Committee has met and will put forth their slate of new MC Officers at our next club meeting: Monday May 14th at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.) starting at 7:00pm .  Please mark your calendars and plan on attending as we vote on the new MC executive board.  An Installation Ceremony will then take place for the new board in June - Date/location TBD.  


Upcoming Events:

Men's Club Softball - Next Game - Tuesday May 1st 6:30pm at the Glen Allen Sports Complex.  If you are interested in playing, please reach out to Dr. Michael Edelstein at:

 June Pub Crawl with Beth-Ahabah's Men's Club  - Date TBD...Stay tuned!!!


Men's Club Dues - Friendly Reminder:

The Men's Club Dues are $38 for the 2018 calendar year.  If you have already paid, we thank you for your support.  If you have not paid, you can still pay via your Shul Cloud Account, paying by check, cash, or card at the temple office or by reaching out to Martin Slutzah, Financial Secretary at:

(Any questions or suggestions, please respond to this email)

Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club,

David Isenberg

President - Beth-El Men's Club | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club 2.0 Meeting This Sunday (4/8) / Upcoming Events/Announcements

04/04/2018 10:03:47 PM



Good Evening Men's Club,

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that our April Men's Club meeting will be held this coming Sunday April 8th at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.) starting at 9:15am.  Please join us for a bagel, coffee and some brotherhood as we discuss club business.

Upcoming events - 

Men's Club Softball Team - Next Game - Tuesday April 10th 8:00pm - Glen Allen Sports Complex

Golf Outing (Course TBD)

Men's Club Annual End of Year Picnic - Sunday May 6th 12:00pm -2:30pm

Men's Club Poker Night Fundraiser - w/JCC - May 22nd 


I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.  If you have any questions regarding events, have an idea or just want to get more involved, please respond to this email or reach out at the number below.

Thank you for your support of Men's Club!!!

Best regards, David

David Isenberg, Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club 2.0 - Meeting this Sunday Morning

03/17/2018 07:58:50 PM



Good Evening Men's Club,


Just a friendly reminder that our March meeting will be tomorrow (3/18) at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.) starting at 9:15 am.  Please join us for a bagel and coffee as we discuss Men's Club business.

I look forward seeing you all there.

Best, David

David Isenberg, Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371


Men's Club 2.0 - Sunday's Meeting Rescheduled / Updates

03/07/2018 05:25:49 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

I hope this finds you all well.  I wanted to provide you a quick update on just a few items: Sunday's meeting to be rescheduled, dues update, and Softball update.

Men's Club Meeting this Sunday Rescheduled to Sunday March 18th

It has come to our attention that their will be no Sunday School at Parham this Sunday March 11th, rather the kids will be attending instead at the JCC.  As a result, we have decided to move our meeting back one week to make it more convenient for some of our members to attend the festivities with their kids.  We will reconvene at the Brown Religious School on Parham Rd. at 9:15 am on Sunday March 18th. Hope to see everyone there!!


REMINDER: Men's Club Dues

As a reminder, 2018 Beth El Men's Club Dues ($38 per person) are now available to be paid on Shul Cloud with your Temple Beth El invoice.  As many of you might recall, we changed our process from sending out a mailer with envelope to make this process more convenient for our members to pay their dues.

The process is very simple.  When you log into your Shul Cloud account to pay your 2018 Temple and/or Hebrew School Fees you can opt in to Men's Club by checking the box and indicating in the text box field that you would like $38 of your payment to go towards Men's Club 2018 Dues.  If you would still prefer to pay by check and find that easier, you can send that to the Temple Beth-El office and indicate your $38 payment should go towards your 2018 Men's ClubDues or contact Martin Slutzah, Financial Secretary: Of course, we also will accept any donations of support, as well.

What do your Men's Club Dues go toward you might ask?  We use this money to support many of the initiatives of Men's Club throughout the year.  As we relaunched Men's Club 2.0 this year, we developed our "New" Three Pillar approach to programing to provide something for everyone.  For example, we often use this money to offset the cost of such things as Hebrew School functions for the kids such as our end of the year school picnic (Community Service/Hebrew School Pillar), or give back to Beth El directly by supporting its annual Casino Night Fundraiser, and we sponsor the Men's Club Softball Team (Sports Pillar) along with sponsoring/subsidizing different Men's ClubSocial/Jewish Networking events throughout the year.  

We thank all of you who have joined and shown your support! And we welcome past / prospective members to join us and get involved with our great organization.


Men's Club Softball 

The Beth-El Men's Club Softball Team is back for another exciting season in 2018. As always we will be playing Tuesday evenings, at our home field Short Pump and also some games at the Woodman Road Softball Complex.  Our first game will be Tuesday March 20th.   If you are interested in playing, please reach out to Don Light ( or Michael Edelstein, M.D. ( for more information (You must be a paid Men's Club Member to participate).  We will have our second practice of the year at Short Pump Elementary this Sunday March 11th at 11:00 AM, weather permitting.  


Upcoming Events:

Men's Club Golf Outing - Spring 2018

Men's Club Poker Night Fundraiser - Spring 2018 


Cantor Search 

Please join the Men's Club as we meet one of the visiting Cantor Prospects, Cantor Shipiro March 7th-10th.  Please refer to the email that went out from the Temple office yesterday with all of the information. Thank you!

Meet Cantorial Candidate Henry Shapiro this weekend! 

Wednesday, March 7

Cantor Shapiro will visit the Religious School students during their regular classes.Parents are invited to Tefilah at 5:45pm in the school chapel.

Friday, March 9

5:15pm Pre-Neg in the Social Hall followed by 6:00pm Shabbat Service (Main Sanctuary)

Saturday, March 10

10:00 am Service (Main Sanctuary) followed by Kiddush lunch
6:00 pm Seudah Shlishit Event: Havdalah and singalong/jam; bring your instrument if you play!  Dairy lasagna dinner included:  Register here.

Sunday, March 11

9:00 am Minyan, Religious School Chapel


Thank you for your Support of Men's Club 2.0!

Best regards, David

David Isenberg, Beth-El Men's Club President | Templebethelmensclub@gmail | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club 2.0 - Event Update

02/26/2018 09:38:59 PM


Good Evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this finds you well.  In this Men's Club communication, I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you the great time we had at the JCC Purim Festival yesterday and also ask for your support of Sisterhood at their sponsored Purim party.


Purim Festival

We were happy to participate again in this years community wide Purim Festival held at the JCC yesterday.  We had 15 Men's Club Members help out in the kitchen during the event preparing and serving food.  It was a great event put on by our Jewish Community and we were happy to be apart of it and lend our support.  Please check out the pictures at the bottom for all of the fun.  Thank you again to all of you who came out and participated.


This Wednesday February 28th the Sisterhood along with the Religious School will be celebrating Purim at 5:30pm in the multi-purpose room at 601 N. Parham Road.  The Sisterhood is in need of some volunteers to help with setup and clean-up of chairs and tables.  Set-up will need to take place between 4:00pm - 4:30pm and Clean-up starts right when the event concludes around 6:30pm.  If you are able to help in any way, please email Chris Greenberg, Sisterhood President at: .  Thank you in advance for your support!!!



Upcoming Men's Club Events To Watch For:

Men's Club Softball Team - Season Begins March 20th - If interested in playing, please come to the Men's Club Meeting for more information or reach out to Don Light ( or Michael Edelstein, M.D. (

Men's Club Golf Outing - Spring 2018

Men's Club Poker Night Fundraiser - Spring 2018 


REMINDER: Men's Club Dues

As a reminder, 2018 Beth El Men's Club Dues ($38 per person) are now available to be paid on Shul Cloud with your Temple Beth El invoice.  As many of you might recall, we changed our process from sending out a mailer with envelope to make this process more convenient for our members to pay their dues.

The process is very simple.  When you log into your Shul Cloud account to pay your 2018 Temple and/or Hebrew School Fees you can opt in to Men's Club by checking the box and indicating in the text box field that you would like $38 of your payment to go towards Men's Club 2018 Dues.  If you would still prefer to pay by check and find that easier, you can send that to the Temple Beth-El office and indicate your $38 payment should go towards your 2018 Men's Club Dues or contact Martin Slutzah, Financial Secretary: Of course, we also will accept any donations of support, as well.

What do your Men's Club Dues go toward you might ask?  We use this money to support many of the initiatives of Men's Club throughout the year.  As we relaunched Men's Club 2.0 this year, we developed our "New" Three Pillar approach to programing to provide something for everyone.  For example, we often use this money to offset the cost of such things as Hebrew School functions for the kids such as our end of the year school picnic (Community Service/Hebrew School Pillar), or give back to Beth El directly by supporting its annual Casino Night Fundraiser, and we sponsor the Men's Club Softball Team (Sports Pillar) along with sponsoring/subsidizing different Men's Club Social/Jewish Networking events throughout the year.  

We thank all of you who have joined and shown your support!!!


Mark Your Calendars: Next Men's Club Meeting - Sunday March 11, 2018 @ 9:15am Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road)

Thank you,


David Isenberg, President Beth-El Men's Club | | (804) 387-1371


Men's Club 2.0 Meeting this Sunday / Event Updates

02/07/2018 09:25:58 PM


Good Evening Men's Club,

I wanted to provide everyone with a reminder of our upcoming meeting this Sunday and some upcoming Men's Club events.


Men's Club 2.0 Meeting

Please join us for our next Men's Club Meeting this Sunday February 11th starting at 9:15am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road).  We will be discussing upcoming events, fundraiser and other relevant topics.  Please plan on attending and enjoy a bagel, coffee and some brotherhood this Sunday!!!.

Men's Club/Sisterhood Cooking Class / Dinner

Come join the Men's Club and Sisterhood as we put on our first joint Social Event of the year...Cooking Class and Competition. This event is open to both individuals/couples and will be held on Sunday February 18th from 3:00pm-5:30pm at the Aprons Cooking School (5400 Windham Forest Dr Glen Allen 23059). This event has a minimum of 8 people and maximum of 24 who can attend. We will be split up into two teams and will be cooking a dairy style meal against one another and being judged by the Apron's Chef's. We will then sit down to a nice gourmet (separate from the competition meal) prepared dairy meal from the Apron's Chef's. If interested, please sign up at the link below or by visiting the Men's Club Page on the TBE website. We expect tickets for this event to sell out quickly, so please sign-up and pay soon. Cost: $45 per person.


Purim Festival

Come join the Men's Club as we participate in the Annual Community Purim Festival held on Sunday February 25, 2018 from 12:00pm-3:00pm at the Weinstein JCC. The Men's Club will be working in the JCC Kitchen again this year in order to support this great event. Please sign-up for one or two of our available shifts at the link below. Bring your kids and the whole family for what plans to be a great time had by all!!! Any questions, please reply to this email or call David Isenberg at (804) 387-1371.


Upcoming Events to watch for:

Men's Club Poker Night Fundraiser - Spring 2018

Men's Club Softball Team - Season Begins March 20th - If interested in playing, please come to the Men's Club Meeting for more information or reach out to Don Light ( or Michael Edelstein, M.D. (

Men's Club Golf Outing - Spring 2018


Best, David

David Isenberg, Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club 2.0 News & Updates

01/28/2018 05:51:57 PM


Good Afternoon,

I hope this reaches you well.  In this update, I would like to share with you news about our last Social/Jewish Networking event - Whiskey Tasting,  and provide an update on some of our upcoming events.

Whiskey Tasting 

A couple of weeks ago the Men's Club participated in our first ever Whiskey Tasting event.  This event was held at McCormick's Big Whiskey Grill where 14 of us enjoyed some brotherhood and got a private whiskey tasting lesson and education from the proprietor Mac McCormick.  Check out some of the pictures and we hope you will join us at our next Social/Jewish Networking event.

Casino Night Fundraising Event 

Men's Club is again a title sponsor of this years Beth-El Casino Night Fundraiser.  The event is Beth-El's largest fundraiser of the year and Men's Club is actively involved on the committee putting on the event.  We are less than a week away as the event will be held next Saturday Night February 3rd from 7:00pm-11:00pm at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road).  If you have not purchased your tickets yet we encourage you to do so by clicking on the link below.  Ticket prices will go up at the door the night of the event.

This looks to be another great event with a chance to win gift cards totaling $250 each and a grand prize drawing of a $1,000 gift card.  Also, we will have a Silent Auction with many packages to bid on from Restaurant, to Golf packages, Art Work and Sports/Entertainment Memorabilia just to name a few. There will also be hors d’oeuvres, two bars and plenty of Casino games for your gaming pleasure.

Please come out for a great time and an even better cause...Supporting Temple Beth-El.


Men's Club/Sisterhood Cooking Class / Dinner

Come join the Men's Club and Sisterhood as we put on our first joint Social Event of the year...Cooking Class and Competition.  This event is open to both individuals/couples and will be held on Sunday February 18th from 3:00pm-5:30pm at the Aprons Cooking School (5400 Windham Forest Dr Glen Allen 23059). This event has a minimum of 8 people and maximum of 24 who can attend.  We will be split up into two teams and will be cooking a dairy style meal against one another and being judged by the Apron's Chef's.  We will then sit down to a nice gourmet (separate from the competition meal) prepared dairy meal from the Apron's Chef's.  If interested, please sign up at the link below or by visiting the Men's Club Page on the TBE website. We expect tickets for this event to sell out quickly, so please sign-up and pay soon. Cost: $45 per person.


Purim Festival 

Come join the Men's Club as we participate in the Annual Community Purim Festival held on Sunday February 25, 2018 from 12:00pm-3:00pm at the Weinstein JCC.  The Men's Club will be working in the JCC Kitchen again this year in order to support this great event.  Please sign-up for one or two of our available shifts at the link below.  Bring your kids and the whole family for what plans to be a great time had by all!!!  Any questions, please reply to this email or call David Isenberg at (804) 387-1371.


Upcoming Events to watch for:

Men's Club Poker Night Fundraiser - Spring 2018

Men's Club Golf Outing - Spring 2018


Next MC Meeting:

Mark your calendars and plan to join us at our next Men's Club Meeting on Sunday February 11th - 9:15am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road)


Thank you for your time, attention and involvement.

Best, David

David Isenberg, Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371


Got Liquor or Wine?

01/21/2018 09:31:08 AM


Men's Club 2.0 - Private Whiskey Tasting Event this Thursday 1/18

01/14/2018 05:18:55 PM


Good Afternoon,

This week the Men's Club will have another one of our Social/Jewish Networking Events, a Private Whiskey Tasting at McCormack's Big Whiskey Grill.  We welcome all to attend so bring your friends and family along for a great time with Men's Club 2.0.  There are many different drink choices for you to choose from at McCormick's so please plan on coming out and joining the guys this Thursday Night!!! Details on how to register and pay for the event are below.

Whiskey Tasting Event (Social/Jewish Networking)

Please join us at McCormack's Big Whiskey Grill Coming This Thursday for a Private Whiskey Tasting Event 

  • Thursday, January 18, 2018 
  • 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • McCormack's Big Whiskey Grill - 1420 N. Parham Rd 23229
  • Registration is Now Live - RSVP and Pay for this event at:
  • A whiskey lesson/education with the guys from Mac McCormack, owner.  Read more about it here.
  • You'll taste and learn about 3 premium whiskeys.  Food available for purchase a la carte.


I look forward to seeing everyone there this Thursday.  If you have any questions, please reply to this email or call David Isenberg at (804) 387-1371.

 Best, David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

Men's Club 2.0 Meeting this Sunday / Event Updates

01/12/2018 03:30:11 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches everyone well.  I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out and remind you of our upcoming meeting (this Sunday) and of some other important upcoming events. 


Men's Club Meeting 

This Sunday January 14, 2018 at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.) at 9:15am we will hold our January meeting.  Please plan on attending and get involved.  Come for a bagel and nosh and help us plan out Men's Club 2.0 for the remainder of 2018 and beyond.  Any questions, or if you want to join Men's Club, please respond to this email or call David Isenberg @ (804) 387-1371.


Whiskey Tasting Event (Social/Jewish Networking)

Please join us at McCormack's Big Whiskey Grill Coming This Thursday for a Private Whiskey Tasting Event 

  • Thursday, January 18, 2018 
  • 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • McCormack's Big Whiskey Grill - 1420 N. Parham Rd 23229
  • Registration is Now Live - RSVP and Pay for this event at:
  • A whiskey lesson/education with the guys from Mac McCormack, owner.  Read more about it here.
  • You'll taste and learn about 3 premium whiskeys.  Food available for purchase a la carte.

TBE Casino Night Fundraiser

Reminder: that the TBE Casino Night Fundraiser Tickets are on sale now at:

Basic Tickets

Admission for one: $55 each

VIP Packages

$180 ($130 tax deductible) VIP - Admission for 2 plus unlimited drinks & 40,000 Casino Bucks

$250 ($200 tax deductible) Casino Host- Admission for 2, unlimited drinks, 60,000 each Casino Bucks, 1 horse and names listed on printed materials and website

$500 ($450 tax deductible) High Roller - Admission for 4, unlimited drinks, 120,000 Casino Bucks, 2 horses, names listed on printed materials, website, and social media

  • Corporate Sponsorships are available as well.



Men's Club Winter Basketball League (Sports)**

**Please let us know if you can play ASAP by filling out the interest form on our Men's Club page / currently this event is in jeopardy of being reschedule to another time of year with out more sign-up/interest. We need to know by this Sunday 1/14/18.  Thank you.

Please visit the Men's Club page on the TBE website and click on the Sign-up for the Winter Basketball League and provide us your interest in playing and opinion on your preferred evening of play.  We are looking for at least 10 MC Members to form a team. We are looking to play in the Vail Intramural Basketball league and Registration Closes on January 15, 2018.

  • Games held at Big Ben's, 2206 Westwood Ave. Richmond, 23220
  • League dues are $680/team and Men's Club is looking to possibly sponsor and/or subsidies the league fee for Men's Club Paid Members.
  • League play runs January 29th - April 10th


I look forward seeing everyone on Sunday at the Men's Club Meeting.

Best, David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | 804.387.1371

Men's Club - Whiskey Tasting Event / Updates

12/27/2017 06:31:00 PM


Hello Men's Club,

I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on our Whiskey Tasting Event, also remind everyone about the Winter Basketball League and upcoming Casino Night.

Whiskey Tasting Event (Social/Jewish Networking)

Please join us at McCormack's Big Whiskey Grill for a Private Whiskey Tasting Event

  • Thursday, January 18, 2018 
  • 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • McCormack's Big Whiskey Grill - 1420 N. Parham Rd 23229
  • Registration is Now Live - RSVP and Pay for this event at:
  • A whiskey lesson/education with the guys from Mac McCormack, owner.  Read more about it here.
  • You'll taste and learn about 3 premium whiskeys.  Food available for purchase a la carte.

Men's Club Winter Basketball League (Sports)

Please visit the Men's Club page on the TBE website and click on the Sign-up for the Winter Basketball League and provide us your interest in playing and opinion on your preferred evening of play.  We are looking for at least 10 MC Members to form a team. We are looking to play in the Vail Intramural Basketball league and Registration Closes on January 15, 2018.

  • Games held at Big Ben's, 2206 Westwood Ave. Richmond, 23220
  • League dues are $680/team and Men's Club is looking to possibly sponsor and/or subsidies the league fee for Men's Club Paid Members.
  • League play runs January 29th - April 10th

TBE Casino Night Fundraiser

Reminder: that the TBE Casino Night Fundraiser Tickets are on sale now at:

The VIP Packages have portions of the paid amount that are Tax Deductible (See VIP Packages Below).  Please don't miss out on your opportunity to take advantage of this for a good cause before the end of the year arrives. 

Basic Tickets

VIP Packages

  • Corporate Sponsorships are available as well.

  Thank you for your time.

Shalom, David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | (804) 387-1371 |


Men's Club 2.0 - News / Upcoming Events

12/24/2017 11:05:08 PM


Good Evening Men's Club,

I hope this reaches everyone well.  With this latest communication, I wanted to let everyone know about some changes we made to our Men's Club page to better communicate with everyone.  I would also like to review the recent Temple wide Chanukah celebration and share with you the upcoming events we have in store for Men's Club in the New Year.

Updated Men's Club Page on 

Recently, I had the opportunity to work with Krista in the Temple office to update our Men's Club page on the website:

If you haven't had the opportunity, I encourage you to take a look and keep checking back for updates on new events/information.  You will find we have added the approved minutes to the Men's Club meetings, a link to join our MC Facebook group, more pictures of the events we help plan and participate in and also a sign-up list for events such as our winter basketball league.

Temple Beth-El Chanukah Celebration 

A couple of weeks ago, the Men's Club had the pleasure of sponsoring and working with the Sisterhood to help put on our annual Temple wide Chanukah Party.  This was a great event held at our Brown Religious School, where over 100 people participated and came together to celebrate this wonderful holiday.  (Please check out some of the pictures below and on the Men's Club page for all the photo's).  

We were so pleased how successful this event was and how much all of the families, congregants and children enjoyed themselves.  We can't thank Ramona Brand, Director of Youth Education and Chris Greenberg, Sisterhood President and her team for helping to put on a great event with us!  I also want to thank all of the Men's Club volunteers and their children who helped with setup before and who stayed afterwards to help clean-up.

Upcoming Men's Club (2.0) Events 

The Men's Club has been hard at work over these last few weeks to plan our 2nd half events going into the New Year.  You will find we are keeping to our 3 Pillars of Sports, Social/Jewish Networking and Community Service.

Men's Club Basketball Team

The first event is coming up soon and we need your help to gauge interest in our first ever Men's Club Basketball Team.  Please visit the Men's Club page on the website and click on the "Sign-up for the Winter Basketball League" and provide us your interest in playing and opinion on your preferred evening of play.  We are looking for at least 10 MC Members to form a team. We are looking to play in the Vail Intramural Basketball league and Registration Closes on January 15, 2018.

  • Games held at Big Ben's, 2206 Westwood Ave. Richmond, 23220
  • League dues are $680/team and Men's Club is looking to possibly sponsor and/or subsidies the league fee for Men's Club Paid Members.
  • League play runs January 29th - April 10th
  • Please visit the Men's Club Page for more information or respond to this email

Whisky Tasting Event

Men's Club is looking to hold our next Social/Jewish Networking event at McCormacks Big Whisky Grill for a Private Whisky Tasting Event on Thursday January 18, 2018 starting at 7:00pm.  This event is in the works and will require everyone interested to RSVP as spots are limited.  Cost for this event will range from $30-$40 per (Paid Member) person and allow you to sample between 3-5 Whiskys and be provided a private Whisky lesson/education from Mac McCormack, Owner/Proprietor.  We will have a Sign-up/RSVP page up on our Men's Club page this week.  Please keep checking the page for more information or please respond to this email with questions.

Casino Night Fundraiser  

Temple Beth-El is holding our 2nd Annual Beth-El Casino Night fundraiser on Saturday February 3rd from 7:00 pm-11:00 pm at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road).  The Men's Club is a title sponsor of the event again this year along with the Sisterhood.  I would ask for your support to get involved with volunteer positions as they are posted now on the Casino Night page on the TBE website.  Also, tickets are officially on sales on the TBE website and corporate sponsorships are available by calling Faith Kallman in the Temple office.  Please go to the link below to buy your tickets and spread the word to both family and friends!!!

Men's Club / Sisterhood Joint Programing 

I have been working closely with Chris Greenberg, Sisterhood President on planning two joint events for our organizations.  We are in the initial planning stages of our first event: Couples Cooking Night Out - We are looking to hold this event at the Apron Cooking School (Publix at Nuckols Place) in the late February time frame.  This will be an RSVP Event as space will be limited.  Please look out for more details at our Men's Club meeting on Sunday January 14, 2018 and in subsequent communications. 

Also, in the works is a Party Bus Winery Tour to Charlottesville,VA.  We are most likely are looking to hold this event in June.  This event will also be RSVP event.  Please look out for more information as its posted on our Men's Club page and in subsequent communications.

Men's Club Poker Tournament / Fundraiser  

As I mentioned in a previous communication, we are in the initial planning stages of setting up a Poker Tournament / Fundraiser with the JCC in the late Winter / early Spring time.  This event is being Chaired by Hilton Rubin and Reid Cardon.   If you are interested in helping out with the planning, support or just playing in the event, please respond to this email with your interest.  We will have more information to share at the next Men's Club meeting on Sunday January 14, 2018 and in subsequent communications.

Purim Party at the JCC

Please join the Men's Club as we continue our tradition of participating in the Jewish Community wide Purim Celebration at the Weinstein JCC (5403 Monument Avenue Richmond, VA 23226) on Sunday February 25, 2018 from 12:00pm-3:00pm.  We will be doing our part volunteering in the JCC Kitchen during this time.  Please look out for a sign-up sheet on the Men's Club page on the TBE website for more information.  If you haven't been apart of this event before, I encourage you to please sign up. This is a great time for the entire Richmond Jewish Community to come together and celebrate the wonderful holiday of Purim together.  Everyone and their families are welcome to attend.  Please respond to this email with any questions.

Men's Club Golf Outing

We are planning a Men's Club Golf Outing and are targeting Sunday April 15, 2018 at one of the local courses in the area.  If you are a golfer and interested in playing, please respond to this email with your interest.  More details as they develop.


I hope you can see, we are working hard to transform Men's Club 2.0 into an organization that you are proud to be apart of. With your help and participation we will grow this organization together.  Please spread the word to your Jewish friends and family about Men's Club 2.0.  We would love to welcome them into our family as well.  If interested in joining, please contact David Isenberg, President or Martin Slutzah, Financial Secretary for information on paying 2018 membership dues by replying to this email.

Mark your calendars: next Men's Club meeting on Sunday January 14, 2018 (601 N. Parham Rd.)

Shalom,  David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | (804 387-1371 |

Men's Club 2.0 - 2018 Dues

12/10/2017 09:14:02 PM


Good Evening Men's Club Members and Perspective Members,


I wanted to send you this note to let everyone know that our 2018 Beth El Men's Club Dues ($38 per person) are now available to be paid on Shul Cloud with your Temple Beth El invoice.  As many of you might recall we changed our process from sending out a mailer with envelope to make this process more convenient for our members to pay their dues.

The process is very simple.  When you log into your Shul Cloud account to pay your 2018 Temple and/or Hebrew School Fees you can opt in to Men's Club by checking the box and indicating in the text box field that you would like $38 of your payment to go towards Men's Club 2018 Dues.  If you would still prefer to pay by check and find that easier, you can send that to the Temple Beth El office and indicate your $38 payment should go towards your 2018 Men's Club Dues. Of course, we also will accept any donations of support, as well.

What do your Men's Club Dues go toward you might ask?  We use this money to support many of the initiatives of Men's Club throughout the year.  As we relaunched Men's Club 2.0 this year, we developed our "New" Three Pillar approach to programing to provide something for everyone.  For example, we often use this money to offset the cost of such things as Hebrew School functions for the kids such as our end of the year school picnic (Community Service/Hebrew School Pillar), or give back to Beth El directly by supporting its annual Casino Night Fundraiser, and we sponsor the Men's Club Softball Team (Sports Pillar) along with sponsoring/subsidizing different Men's Club Social/Jewish Networking events throughout the year.

We thank you for your support of the Beth El Men's Club and your membership. If you haven't been a member in the past, I hope you consider joining us this year and for years to come.  And if you have been a member before, we look forward to your continued participation and membership this coming year.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by responding to this email or I can be reach by phone at (804) 387-1371.


Shalom, David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371


Men's Club 2.0 Meeting This Sunday 12/10 / Upcoming Events/Announcements

12/07/2017 03:02:58 PM


Good Afternoon Men's Club,

I hope this message reaches everyone well.  In this communication, I wanted to update everyone on a few things...Our Men's Club Meeting this Sunday, Review Past Events with Pub Crawl and discuss upcoming events with the Hebrew School Hanukkah Party, Men's Club Basketball, Casino Night Fundraiser and Poker Tournament.

Men's Club (2.0) Meeting - Sunday 12/10/17 at the Brown Religious School starting at 9:15am

This Sunday we will be meeting for our monthly Men's Club (2.0) meeting/brunch at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.) at 9:15am.  If you haven't done so as of yet, please join us to enjoy some brotherhood, a good bagel/nosh, and discuss the direction of the Men's Club along with the events we have planned.  Instead of meeting in the multipurpose room as we usually do, we will be meeting in one of the class rooms to accommodate the Joshua Nelson activities at the Hebrew School on Sunday.

Please see/and read the minutes from our last meeting at our Men's Club 2.0 FaceBook Page:

3 Pillar Events - Social/Jewish Networking 

We were excited to host our first Social/Jewish Networking Event of the year a couple of weeks back during our Pub Crawl in Scotts Addition. We were joined by 16 Men's Club members and some perspective members as we enjoyed some great beer, brotherhood and conversation.  We started out a Veil Brewing Co. and then tried our hand at Vasen Brewing Co. and ended the evening at The Circuit Arcade Bar.  Check out all of the fun had by all in pictures below.  And if you were not able to join us this time maybe you will be able to join us at our next Social/Jewish Networking Events in the very near future.

Upcoming Men's Club (2.0) Events  

We are working on some upcoming events and would love your input, support and involvement:

Hanukkah Party - Wednesday December 13th at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham) starting at 6:00pm.  We are looking for people to help with setup and clean up for the event.  If you can join us around 4:30 pm or 5:00 pm to help set up along with Sisterhood, it would be greatly appreciated.  Please call/text David Isenberg (804) 387-1371 or respond to this email and let us know if you want and can help with setup/cleanup.  The event will only be 1 hour or so and should end shortly after 7:00 pm.

Men's Club Basketball - We are still working on detail, but we are looking to form a Men's Club sponsored Basketball team this winter.  If you are interested in playing, please reach out to Harry Baron, at (404) 323-4390 or

Casino Night Fundraiser -  As many of you know, I chair the Casino Night Fundraising Committee with my wife Geri.  We are holding our 2nd Annual Beth El Casino Night fundraiser on Saturday February 3rd from 7:00 pm-11:00 pm at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road).  The Men's Club is a title sponsor of the event again this year along with the Sisterhood.  I would ask for your support to get involved with volunteer positions as they are posted in the next couple of weeks.  Also, tickets are officially on sales now and sponsorships are available,  please go to the link below and buy your tickets!!!

Men's Club Poker Tournament / Fundraiser - We are in the initial planning stages of setting up a Poker Tournament / Fundraiser in the late Winter / early Spring.  We will be discussing the detail of this event at our next Men's Club Meeting this Sunday (12/10) at 9:15 am at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd).  If you are interested in helping out with the planning, support or just interested in playing, please respond to this email with your interest.  Hilton Rubin is Chairing this event for us and we thank him and the committee for their support.


Thank you for your help and support of Men's Club 2.0.

Shalom, David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth El Men's Club President | (804) 387-1371 |

Men's Club 2.0 - Pub Crawl Tonight / Upcoming Events/Announcements

11/15/2017 04:00:23 PM




I hope this reaches you well.  I wanted to send a quick reminder to you about our Pub Crawl tonight from 6:00p.m-9:00p.m. as well as some other upcoming events our members are participating in.

Pub Crawl - Social/Jewish Networking Event

Please join us tonight at our first Social/Jewish Networking event of the year - Pub Crawl on Wednesday November 15, 2017 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Starting at The Veil Brewing Co. - 1301 Roseneath Rd.).

From Veil Brewing, we will be walking to 2-3 other Craft Breweries in the Scott's Addition that evening. Please RSVP (No Cost to join us for this Event - You pay for your own beer, however miley - We just would like a count for the table reservation) by clicking on the link on the Temple website:

Our table reservation at Veil Brewing will be in the name of Harry Baron our VP. If you are planning to attend, and will be coming later on in the evening, please call or text Harry Baron, VP or myself and we will let you know exactly which brewery we are in or walking to.

Harry Baron, Men's Club VP - Mobile # (404) 323-4390


David Isenberg, Men's Club President - Mobile # (804) 387-1371


I wanted to encourage all Men's Club members and Perspective members and their families to please sign-up for helping with Caritas (Saturday November 25th - Saturday December 2nd). If you’re not familiar with Caritas, The Beth El community, Men's Club volunteers, and their families have been supporting this event for the last 24 years. Beth El hosts at our Grove Avenue campus disadvantaged men for a week by housing them, feeding them and providing them needed supplies. Often times, our Men's Club individual volunteers take time to help unload and load the Caritas truck as it arrives and departs Beth El that week. The Caritas committee is in need of our help this year, as well. If you have not done so already, could you please sign-up (For a job and time slot) and lend your support to this worthwhile cause and important mitzvah. Please sign-up at the link below:

Here is the link.

Men's Club Meeting - Notes

As many of you are aware we hold our Men's Club (2.0) meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month (Except - in May - 1st Sunday).  We had our second meeting of Men's Club (2.0) this past Sunday with 18 members in attendance.  We hope to see more of you at future meetings as we grow this organization together.  We will start to publish the minutes of those meetings on our Face Book Page and in weekly communications after the meetings.  This way you are informed of events and discussions the club is having.  If you can't make a monthly meeting, but would like to get involved in something you like or have a passion for, please reach out to Harry Baron, VP or myself (David Isenberg, President) by responding to this email.  We are working on a couple of upcoming events now which include a Men's Club (2.0) sponsored Basketball team and a fundraising event - Poker Tournament, in addition to some other social/community service events. 


I thank you for your time and continued support of Men's Club 2.0.  I look forward to seeing you at the Pub Crawl event tonight to share in some brotherhood and good beer!!!

Any questions or feedback, please respond to this email.

Best regards, David

David Isenberg,

Temple Beth El - Men's Club President | Mobile: (804) 387-1371 | Email:

Men's Club (2.0) - Pub Crawl this Wednesday November 15th

11/12/2017 10:34:01 PM


Men's Club Members and Perspective Members:

I hope everyone enjoyed a nice weekend.  I wanted to send a reminder to please mark your calendars to attend our Pub Crawl Event - this Wednesday November 15, 2017.

Pub Crawl - Social/Jewish Networking Event

We are very excited to let you all know that our first Social/Jewish Networking event of the year will be a Pub Crawl on Wednesday November 15, 2017 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Starting at The Veil Brewing Co. - 1301 Roseneath Rd.). 

From Veil Brewing, we will be walking to 2-3 other Craft Breweries in the Scott's Addition that evening.  Please RSVP (No Cost to join us for this Event  - You pay for your own beer, however smiley - We just would like a count for the table reservation) by clicking on the link on the Temple website:

Our table reservation at Veil Brewing will be in the name of Harry Baron our VP.  If you are planning to attend, and will be coming later on in the evening, please call or text Harry Baron, VP or myself and we will let you know exactly which brewery we are in or walking to.

Harry Baron, Men's Club VP - Mobile # (404) 323-4390


David Isenberg, Men's Club President - Mobile # (804) 387-1371


We look forward to seeing all Men's Club Members and Perspective Members there!!!

Any questions or feedback, please respond to this email.

Best regards, David

David Isenberg,

Temple Beth El - Men's Club President | Mobile: (804) 387-1371 | Email:

Men's Club 2.0 - Meeting & Brunch this Sunday!

11/09/2017 11:03:44 AM


Dear [first_name] ,

Our next Men's Club 2.0 Meeting will be held on Sunday November 12, 2017 at 9:15 am (Brown Religious School - 601 N. Parham Rd.).  This will be our second meeting of the year and I encourage you to attend. We are planning/discussing events for the coming year (3 Pillars - Sports, Social/Jewish Networking, Community Service/Religious School) and the direction of the group and need as much input/involvement as possible from all of you.  Our first meeting we had 18 members and some non-members show up which was great!

Our meeting will include brunch,  so please come and enjoy a bagel, cream cheese, lox and more as we share some brotherhood together.  This meeting is only 1 hour so I encourage you to attend. (If you are dropping your child off at Hebrew School that morning, please plan on staying and joining us).

Best regards, David

David Isenberg,

Temple Beth El Men's Club President
Mobile: (804) 387-1371

Men's Club 2.0 First Meeting

10/04/2017 10:51:55 AM


Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785