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Men's Club 2.0 - News and Event Updates

04/18/2018 07:09:17 PM



Good Evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members:

In this communication, I would like to share with you some news on upcoming events, Men's Club Shirts, Men's Club End of Year Picnic, Nomination of a new Men's Club Board and Men's Club Golf Scramble.


Order Your Men's Club Tee-Shirt Today!!!

The Men's Club will be ordering Men's Club Tee-Shirts - the cost is $12.00 per shirt*.  This is a great opportunity to show your Men's Club pride and support for our organization.  Please Order your Shirts by Monday April 23, 2018 so we can receive them by the Men's Club Picnic on May 6th. Please order/pay at the link below:  (Please add $2.00 Extra for size XXL)


Men's Club End of Year Picnic - Sunday May 6th 

Please join us for the Men's Club Annual End of Year Picnic at the Brown Religious School on Sunday May 6th from 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm.  This event is to celebrate our children as they complete the end of another great Hebrew school year.  We need your support to put this event on, so please sign-up for a volunteer job and time slot at the link below:


Men's Club Golf Scramble - June 3rd - Sycamore Creek


Date:  Sunday June 3rd

Location:1991 Manakin Road (just off W Broad St)
Manakin-Sabot VA. 23103

Tee Times: Start at 10:00 am

Cost:  $53.00 (Includes Green Fees and Cart)

Register and Pay for your spot:


Men's Club Nominating Committee - New Executive Board 

The MC Nominating Committee has met and will put forth their slate of new MC Officers at our next club meeting: Monday May 14th at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd.) starting at 7:00pm .  Please mark your calendars and plan on attending as we vote on the new MC executive board.  An Installation Ceremony will then take place for the new board in June - Date/location TBD.  


Upcoming Events:

Men's Club Softball - Next Game - Tuesday May 1st 6:30pm at the Glen Allen Sports Complex.  If you are interested in playing, please reach out to Dr. Michael Edelstein at:

 June Pub Crawl with Beth-Ahabah's Men's Club  - Date TBD...Stay tuned!!!


Men's Club Dues - Friendly Reminder:

The Men's Club Dues are $38 for the 2018 calendar year.  If you have already paid, we thank you for your support.  If you have not paid, you can still pay via your Shul Cloud Account, paying by check, cash, or card at the temple office or by reaching out to Martin Slutzah, Financial Secretary at:

(Any questions or suggestions, please respond to this email)

Thank you for your support of the Beth-El Men's Club,

David Isenberg

President - Beth-El Men's Club | | (804) 387-1371

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