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Men's Club 2.0 - News / Upcoming Events

12/24/2017 11:05:08 PM


Good Evening Men's Club,

I hope this reaches everyone well.  With this latest communication, I wanted to let everyone know about some changes we made to our Men's Club page to better communicate with everyone.  I would also like to review the recent Temple wide Chanukah celebration and share with you the upcoming events we have in store for Men's Club in the New Year.

Updated Men's Club Page on 

Recently, I had the opportunity to work with Krista in the Temple office to update our Men's Club page on the website:

If you haven't had the opportunity, I encourage you to take a look and keep checking back for updates on new events/information.  You will find we have added the approved minutes to the Men's Club meetings, a link to join our MC Facebook group, more pictures of the events we help plan and participate in and also a sign-up list for events such as our winter basketball league.

Temple Beth-El Chanukah Celebration 

A couple of weeks ago, the Men's Club had the pleasure of sponsoring and working with the Sisterhood to help put on our annual Temple wide Chanukah Party.  This was a great event held at our Brown Religious School, where over 100 people participated and came together to celebrate this wonderful holiday.  (Please check out some of the pictures below and on the Men's Club page for all the photo's).  

We were so pleased how successful this event was and how much all of the families, congregants and children enjoyed themselves.  We can't thank Ramona Brand, Director of Youth Education and Chris Greenberg, Sisterhood President and her team for helping to put on a great event with us!  I also want to thank all of the Men's Club volunteers and their children who helped with setup before and who stayed afterwards to help clean-up.

Upcoming Men's Club (2.0) Events 

The Men's Club has been hard at work over these last few weeks to plan our 2nd half events going into the New Year.  You will find we are keeping to our 3 Pillars of Sports, Social/Jewish Networking and Community Service.

Men's Club Basketball Team

The first event is coming up soon and we need your help to gauge interest in our first ever Men's Club Basketball Team.  Please visit the Men's Club page on the website and click on the "Sign-up for the Winter Basketball League" and provide us your interest in playing and opinion on your preferred evening of play.  We are looking for at least 10 MC Members to form a team. We are looking to play in the Vail Intramural Basketball league and Registration Closes on January 15, 2018.

  • Games held at Big Ben's, 2206 Westwood Ave. Richmond, 23220
  • League dues are $680/team and Men's Club is looking to possibly sponsor and/or subsidies the league fee for Men's Club Paid Members.
  • League play runs January 29th - April 10th
  • Please visit the Men's Club Page for more information or respond to this email

Whisky Tasting Event

Men's Club is looking to hold our next Social/Jewish Networking event at McCormacks Big Whisky Grill for a Private Whisky Tasting Event on Thursday January 18, 2018 starting at 7:00pm.  This event is in the works and will require everyone interested to RSVP as spots are limited.  Cost for this event will range from $30-$40 per (Paid Member) person and allow you to sample between 3-5 Whiskys and be provided a private Whisky lesson/education from Mac McCormack, Owner/Proprietor.  We will have a Sign-up/RSVP page up on our Men's Club page this week.  Please keep checking the page for more information or please respond to this email with questions.

Casino Night Fundraiser  

Temple Beth-El is holding our 2nd Annual Beth-El Casino Night fundraiser on Saturday February 3rd from 7:00 pm-11:00 pm at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Road).  The Men's Club is a title sponsor of the event again this year along with the Sisterhood.  I would ask for your support to get involved with volunteer positions as they are posted now on the Casino Night page on the TBE website.  Also, tickets are officially on sales on the TBE website and corporate sponsorships are available by calling Faith Kallman in the Temple office.  Please go to the link below to buy your tickets and spread the word to both family and friends!!!

Men's Club / Sisterhood Joint Programing 

I have been working closely with Chris Greenberg, Sisterhood President on planning two joint events for our organizations.  We are in the initial planning stages of our first event: Couples Cooking Night Out - We are looking to hold this event at the Apron Cooking School (Publix at Nuckols Place) in the late February time frame.  This will be an RSVP Event as space will be limited.  Please look out for more details at our Men's Club meeting on Sunday January 14, 2018 and in subsequent communications. 

Also, in the works is a Party Bus Winery Tour to Charlottesville,VA.  We are most likely are looking to hold this event in June.  This event will also be RSVP event.  Please look out for more information as its posted on our Men's Club page and in subsequent communications.

Men's Club Poker Tournament / Fundraiser  

As I mentioned in a previous communication, we are in the initial planning stages of setting up a Poker Tournament / Fundraiser with the JCC in the late Winter / early Spring time.  This event is being Chaired by Hilton Rubin and Reid Cardon.   If you are interested in helping out with the planning, support or just playing in the event, please respond to this email with your interest.  We will have more information to share at the next Men's Club meeting on Sunday January 14, 2018 and in subsequent communications.

Purim Party at the JCC

Please join the Men's Club as we continue our tradition of participating in the Jewish Community wide Purim Celebration at the Weinstein JCC (5403 Monument Avenue Richmond, VA 23226) on Sunday February 25, 2018 from 12:00pm-3:00pm.  We will be doing our part volunteering in the JCC Kitchen during this time.  Please look out for a sign-up sheet on the Men's Club page on the TBE website for more information.  If you haven't been apart of this event before, I encourage you to please sign up. This is a great time for the entire Richmond Jewish Community to come together and celebrate the wonderful holiday of Purim together.  Everyone and their families are welcome to attend.  Please respond to this email with any questions.

Men's Club Golf Outing

We are planning a Men's Club Golf Outing and are targeting Sunday April 15, 2018 at one of the local courses in the area.  If you are a golfer and interested in playing, please respond to this email with your interest.  More details as they develop.


I hope you can see, we are working hard to transform Men's Club 2.0 into an organization that you are proud to be apart of. With your help and participation we will grow this organization together.  Please spread the word to your Jewish friends and family about Men's Club 2.0.  We would love to welcome them into our family as well.  If interested in joining, please contact David Isenberg, President or Martin Slutzah, Financial Secretary for information on paying 2018 membership dues by replying to this email.

Mark your calendars: next Men's Club meeting on Sunday January 14, 2018 (601 N. Parham Rd.)

Shalom,  David

David Isenberg, Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | (804 387-1371 |

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