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Men's Club 2.0 - News / Upcoming Events

08/26/2018 07:50:15 PM


Good evening Men's Club Members and Prospective Members,

I hope this reaches you well and you have been enjoying a nice summer.  As the Men's Club looks to ramp up again after a couple of months off for the summer, I wanted to share with you some information on our board, and upcoming news/events.

First off before I begin,  I have some sad news to report.  In case you missed the announcement this morning, one of our own, Paul Fiedler passed away after a hard fought battle with cancer these last few years.  Paul was known to many of our members as a close friend and a big supporter of our Men's Club Softball Team as both a player and a fan.     There will be a memorial service for Paul at the Temple, 3330 Grove Avenue, Tomorrow Monday August 27th at 2:00 pm.  I would encourage all of you who can make it to please attend.  Thank you.


New Men's Club Executive Board 

In case you missed it in June we installed our new Men's Club Executive Board.  This is a two year commitment for these individuals and I want to welcome them again and thank them for their service/commitment to the Men's Club.

David Isenberg, President

David Lowenstein, Vice President

Stephen Frost, Membership and Financial Secretary

Jeff Bookbinder, Treasurer

Greg Fishman, Recording Secretary 

Our new board has been hard at work over these summer months planning new events for the upcoming year (through next June), starting to put together a budget, working on fundraising ideas for the club and working to update our constitution for ratification this Fall.  As we start our activities again in September, please look for communication from our executive board to get involved in club events and committees. 

Men's Club Meetings 

Again, we will meet on the Second Sunday of every month at 9:15 am at the Brown Religious School, 601 N. Parham Road.  Please mark your calendars accordingly and look out for the Sign-up Genius invitation to attend.  The only exceptions to this rule our in April when we will have two meetings one for the month of April and another for the month of May.  Also June's meeting will start at 10:00 am.  Please look at the temple calendar for more information and email updates throughout the year.

Next Men's Club Meeting: Sunday September 9th at 9:15 am Brown Religious School, 601 N. Parham Road (In the multi-purpose room).  Please RSVP to the Sign-up Genius invite so we know if you will be attending and how many bagels, coffee and nosh to provide.  Thank you.



Men's Club Opening Day Religious School Picnic & Tashlich Event - Sunday Sept. 16th

Please join your fellow brothers as we put on another opening day picnic for our religious school children as they embark on a new school year.  This year we will combine efforts with the Temple by putting on a picnic event along with the celebration of Tashlich.  This event will be held on Sunday September 16th at Deep Run Park - (Shelter #2).  The event actually starts at 12:30 pm and goes until 2:30 pm or so; however we will need members to help with setup, Food preparation/serving and cleanup.  We are asking for volunteers for setup to please be at the religious school to load equipment, food items, etc. by 10:00 am.  Please sign-up for a job role at the Sign-up Genius below:


Annual MC Sukkah Building - Sunday September 23rd - Starting at 9:00 am

Please join us as we build the Temple Sukkah (outside the temple) at 3330 Grove Avenue on Sunday September 23rd starting at 9:00 am (Mark your calendars).  Please bring tools (ratchets, hammers, drills, impact drivers, etc.).  The Men's Club will be providing Bagels, Coffee and Juice.  Also, children are welcome to attend and help as able.  (Following the Sukkah building in the afternoon will be a celebration of Sukkot in the Sukkah starting at 4:00 p.m - please look at the Temple website and communications for more information).  Also, a date for the Sukkah to be taken down will be determined soon and members will be notified in a following communication to help assist.

Please Sign-up at the Sign-up Genius below:



​​​​​​​Men's Club - Pub Crawl Event (Jewish & Social Networking) - Thursday October 18th - starting at 7:00 p.m.

Please join us for our first Social Event of the "New" year with a Pub Crawl in Scotts Addition.  We will be meeting at Veil Brewery starting at 7:00 pm, (1301 Roseneath Road Richmond 23230) and going on from there.  Come join us for some Jewish brotherhood, networking and great beer.  Please Mark your Calendars!!!  Sign-up Genius will go out in the coming weeks.


Thank you for being apart of Men's Club.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please respond to this email.


David Isenberg

​​​​​​​Temple Beth-El Men's Club President | | (804) 387-1371

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