One of the most widely observed Jewish rituals is the lighting of a candle and saying the Mourner’s Kaddish on the yahrzeit of a loved one. Though the literal translation of the Yiddish word is “time of year,” it is understood as the anniversary of an individual’s death on the Hebrew calendar.
Here at TBE, congregants who have the names and dates of their loved one’s passing listed in their Temple account (scroll down for instructions) will receive a letter well in advance of the yahrzeit. It is quite common for people to make a donation to the synagogue in honor of the yahrzeit of the deceased. Giving to the Jewish community in memory of a loved one is a beautiful way to pay tribute to their legacy of passing their values l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation.
New: All Yahrzeits for the week (Saturday through Friday) are read on both Erev and Yom Shabbat.
How do I add my yahrzeits to the Temple list?
The most efficient way is for you to add them to your own account :
- Log in: go to top right corner of this screen.
- Once in your account, select "My Yahrzeits". There you can create a new one.
- Can't figure it out? Call the office (804-355-3564) and we'll get your yahrzeits set up!
Order a Yahrzeit Plaque
Your loved one's plaque will be installed in the sanctuary with a light that's illuminated for a full week around their yahrzeit.
Mon, March 31 2025
2 Nisan 5785
Schedule of Services
Fridays 6:00 pm at 3330 Grove Ave.
Saturdays 10:00 am at 3330 Grove Ave.
Sundays 9:00 am at 601 N. Parham Rd (when school is in session, otherwise at 3330 Grove Ave. in the Okun Chapel)
Monday through Thursday 5:45 pm at 3330 Grove Ave. (Okun Chapel)
Virtual Option
All Shabbat and Holiday services are no longer on Zoom, but continue to stream live on Youtube:
Minyan Services remain on the original Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 644 714 6026
Temple Beth-El receives a percentage of sales at Kosher Wine when you use this link, or if you've ordered within 7 days you can go to www.kosherwine.com/give-back and apply our charity code: 8383530
Temple Beth-El 3330 Grove Ave. Phone 804-355-3564
Jacob & Selma Brown Religious School 601 N. Parham Rd
Temple Beth-El
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