Passover 2020
Our Congregational First Night Seder is Canceled.
ALL Passover events will be at the same Zoom link.
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Meeting ID: 644 714 6026
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Rabbi Knopf's message and guidance regarding Seder and Passover preparations for this year:
As the coronavirus pandemic requires physical distancing from one another, many folks have inquired about how we celebrate Pesah. If we have to stay in our own homes, how do we conduct a Seder that will be meaningful and joyous?
Let’s start with the unfortunate truth: public health officials and experts continue to call for everyone to remain in their own home unless absolutely necessary. These guidelines are applicable to everyone, especially those over 60 and those with underlying health conditions, as well as those who are younger and healthier, as they could be carriers of the virus without even knowing it. The only way to stop the spread of the virus is to follow these guidelines and stay home. These guidelines are designed to save lives — to protect you and your family, to protect your friends and family outside your homes, and to protect our entire community.
Unfortunately, this means that no one who does not live in your home should be coming into your home, not even other family members; and we should not be going into other people’s homes, not even the home of another family member. For many of us, this means we will need to radically alter our traditional Seder plans. It may even mean doing a Seder by ourselves.
We know that for many folks this will be excruciatingly hard. Many of us have Seder night traditions stretching back decades. And it’s hard to imagine doing a Seder alone. While the obligations to honor family tradition and celebrate the festival are among the most sacred, saving lives is an even higher Jewish value. Our primary Jewish obligation is to do everything in our power to keep ourselves, our families, and our community safe and healthy.
We encourage you to connect with others during the Seder by phone, or through the use of video conferencing technologies like Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. In that spirit, if you are willing and able to open up your Seder to others by phone or videoconference, or if you are looking for a Seder to join by phone or videoconference, please email me at . (You may get an auto-reply, but please know that I will see your email in due time!)
Normally we wouldn’t encourage the use of digital technology on festivals. But Jewish law has two important concepts relevant to our current circumstances: Pikuah nefesh doheh et ha-Shabbat, saving life takes precedence over Shabbat and holidays, and sha’at ha-dahak, a time of crisis, allowing normal rules to be suspended or altered as circumstances require. As such, we may temporarily do some things that would normally be forbidden so we can celebrate the holiday with friends and family. So, by all means — connect to friends and family during Seder by phone or by digital means this year. Just please stay home. I know it is painful, but it may just save your life — and the lives of countless others.
While we must keep our physical distance from one another, no one should have to be lonely on Pesah. If you have any questions, feel free to email me .
More Passover Resources
Virtual Seder Opportunities and Seder Resources Curated by our Clergy
Rabbinical Assembly Guidelines for Passover 2020 in Light of COVID-19 (similar to Rabbi Knopf's special guidelines)
Rabbinical Assembly Guidelines for Video-streaming with others during Passover
Follow along
Yom Tov Morning
Counting the Omer
Passover Virtual Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.
Temple Beth-El 3330 Grove Ave. Phone 804-355-3564
Jacob & Selma Brown Religious School 601 N. Parham Rd
Temple Beth-El
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