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Our Mikveh is located in the building directly behind the Temple at 213 Roseneath Road, on the first floor. Please come to the Administration Building at 3330 Grove Ave. and check in with a staff member.  

For conversion information, click here.


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Mikveh Fees/Donations


How do I prepare for the Mikveh?

To make a reservation, please call Norma at the office: 804-355-3564 or email her.

Before coming, please review the Mikveh Preparation Kavanot.

Secondly, at home, remove all nail polish and makeup.  You should also shower and wash your hair before coming to the Mikveh.

At the Mikveh, you will be asked to remove jewelry and contact lenses, and to shower briefly again, and review the checklist one more time.

What should I bring to the Mikveh?

Please bring your own towels, soap, shampoo, hair dryer, combs, hairbrush, and bathrobe.  The Mikveh contribution for conversion is $100; bride/groom is $50.  All other use is a free-will offering as your heart motivates you.   Use online form at the top of this page OR bring a check made out to Temple Beth-El Mikveh Fund.

I’m bringing my child to the Mikveh.  What do I need to know?

Your child must be at least four months old and in good health.  Please check with your pediatrician.  One parent will go into the Mikveh with your child.  That parent should shower in the morning before coming to the Mikveh, and should wear a bathing suit in the Mikveh.  The child should also be bathed the night before or the morning of the appointment.  You will be asked to shower again at the Mikveh before immersing.

We will explain how to immerse your child safely.

What is the procedure at the Mikveh?

Adjacent to the mikveh is a changing room with a shower and toilet.  There is a sitting room behind this area.  Family are invited to be present and remain in the sitting room.  Each candidate will shower at the mikveh prior to immersion.  Men requiring Hatafat Dam Brit will meet the mohel at the mikveh where the procedure is done before immersion.  The Bet Din is present and views the immersion for men.  The matron of mikveh supervises the women while the Bet Din remains in the changing rooms.  I will be able to speak with you, but not see you, as Judaism teaches privacy and modesty.

After you have showered, you will descend into the mikveh pool proper.  You are to immerse yourself in a posture that will permit water to come in contact with every part of the body, completely immersing yourself over your head.  You will do this twice, and then recite the blessings, word by word with the rabbi.  Please familiarize yourself with the words, that you might even try to recite the blessings alone.  The Bet Din will respond with a resounding “Amen” after each blessing.  After the blessings, immerse yourself once again.  Afterwards you ascend from the mikveh, dry and dress, and join your family in the waiting room.  Often the family reassembles to complete the conversion ceremony.  Family and friends are most welcome and encouraged to be present.


Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785