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HHD 2024 member registration

  High Holiday Services Registration                                 

This year, instead of using tickets, all Temple Beth-El members need to register here, and members may register their guests here as well. 

After filling out this form, your receipt will be emailed to you.  Please print it out and bring it with you to services.  (Don't have a printer? Please bring your ID.) 

This way we 
know how many to expect while saving money on ticket processing.

 Who's coming to services?                                                   

  Aliyah/Honors Requests                                                                
All honors will be in person only (at 3330 Grove Ave).

  Order a Lulav and Etrog                                                                

Each set is $70.  They will be ready for pick up at Grove Ave. the week before Sukkot. You will be contacted when they are ready for pick up.

 Yom Kippur Appeal                                                               

Your donation supports our High Holiday programming, and any amount is greatly appreciated.

TBE exists because of member dues.  If dues are owed on your account, your amount will show up here. Please either pay the amount here or set up a payment plan that ends by Dec. 31, 2024.   If you need an adjustment on your account, please call Norma Fiedler at 804-355-3564. Thank you so much!
Don't forget to hit the "submit" button!
Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784