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Sale of Hametz

This form closes at 10 pm on Thursday, April 10, 2025.

What is Hametz and why might one sell it?

Wheat, oats, rye, barley, or spelt become hametz (fermented) if they come in contact with water and are left to sit for more than 18 minutes. The term hametz is also applied to dishes and utensils which have been in contact with hametz foods during the year.

The Torah prohibits the ownership of hametz during Pesach. Therefore, we arrange for mekhirat hametz, the sale of the hametz to a non-Jew. This transfer is accomplished by appointing an agent, the rabbi, to handle the sale. It is a valid and legal transfer of ownership. At the end of the holiday, the agent arranges for the reversion of the ownership of the non-allowed hametz. If the ownership of the hametz was not transferred before the holiday, the use of the hametz is prohibited after the holiday as well.

By clicking on the submit button below, I/we hereby authorize Rabbi Rachel Salston to act as my/our agent in the sale of all hametz that may be in my/our possession wherever it may be - whether at home, at a place of business, or elsewhere - in accordance with the requirements of Jewish law. This transaction will be in effect for the duration of Pesach.

For the full Passover 2025 schedule, click here.

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785