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Casino Night -2nd Annual

Saturday, February 3, 2018 18 Shevat 5778

7:00 PM - 11:00 PMReligious School: 601 N. Parham Rd.

Casino Night was another great success!

Thank you to our sponsors!  Click on any corporate sponsor for more information.

High Rollers

Casino Hosts

David & Geri Isenberg | Lee Krumbein & Dr. Susan Kornstein | Debbie Minden & Gary Goldberg | Arlene & Martin Slutzah


The Casino Committee needs volunteers to help set up, cook, or work the event!

Click here to sign up for a shift!



Advance ticket sales end Friday 2/2 at 2pm!  Tickets at the door are $70.

(All sponsor benefits cannot be honored for sponsorships after Friday 2/2 11am)

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