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Adult Member 1
Adult Member 2
Address Information
Family Information
Please complete this section as we consider all your children part of our family, regardless of age. (Please note that children under the age of 24 while a full-time student or under age 22 while unmarried are included in the membership.)
1st Child
2nd Child
3rd Child
4th Child
Other Adults in Your Household
1st Adult
2nd Adult
3rd Adult
Yahrzeits Please list the names of loved ones for whom you wish Yahrzeit notices sent. (Not urgent: you can add this to your account later!)
*Family categories are based on the age of the older partner and include children under age 24.
Dues Adjustment: Temple Beth-El membership is open to all, regardless of means. If you have a financial concern, please call Norma FIelder at 804-355-3564 to discuss an arrangement. Temple Beth-El views membership as a covenantal relationship between each individual and the entire congregation. As such, we all have responsibilities toward each other. We at Temple Beth-El are committed to lead you and your family to deeper relationships with Judaism and community, help you thrive intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, and inspire you to build a better world.
I/we agree to advance this purpose through involvement in congregational life, taking steps to grow Jewishly, to support others on their Jewish journeys, and to forge a more just, compassionate and peaceful society. Membership at Temple Beth-El is a sacred commitment to sustain an institution that helps people thrive through Judaism. We at Temple Beth-El encourage your support, and there are many ways to contribute. Your annual dues are one crucial way we ensure our continued strength. As such, I/we agree to pay annual dues and thereafter such annual dues as may be fixed in accordance with the Constitution of Temple Beth-El. I/we understand that should my/our marital, parental, or residency change, I/we will be expected to notify the synagogue of such change so that my/our membership category will be updated accordingly for the existing year. Otherwise, the membership category will remain until the new dues year. Capital Fund Pledge: In understanding that others before me have underwritten the present physical plant of Temple Beth-El, I/we agree to pay $1800 in total over the first five (5) years of membership ($360 annually) as our contribution to the Capital Fund. I/we hereby make application for membership to Temple Beth-El and promise, if accepted for membership, to honor the above commitments as well as abide by the Constitution and all the rules and regulations of Temple Beth-El.
Volunteer Opportunities
We encourage you to get involved in temple life and activities!
We will be in touch!